Does motherboards have certain wattage requirements?

figure the motherboard will suck up around 25-30W... less then a couple of fans, and much less then your hard drive or dvd drive..

I'm changing my GPU to a AMD Radeon HD 7970 because it says the GPU requires more than 500W and I settled with this PSU because it was on sale.

STOP! the gpu companies OVERSTATE the amount of power you need to run their cards... sometimes by as much as a factor of 2! A 7970 will never draw more then 250W of power (by itself) no matter what overclock you stick to it, and what load you put on it.

what gpu requires more then 500W of power? the only gpus i know of that can draw that much are Titans with an add on power board. Even the 7990 only draws 335W under load.

XFX Radeon HD 7970:

Oh sorry! It says 500W or greater so I settled with this and its on sale.