Question Does my monitor support freesync?


Jul 17, 2019
So basically a few months ago i bough a monitor
Its Samsung S24D330
a week ago i bought Aero Itx Radeon Rx 560 4gb oc version gpu and on the box i saw it says Freesync 2.
i did some research and turns out it makes the gameplay better, no tears and stuff like that. i wonder if my monitor supports it but i cant find the answer anywhere
I would say it does not. FreeSync and GSync are huge selling points int todays monitor market. Those features also push monitors to higher prices. Considering that monitor is relatively cheap and not a single listing of that monitor says it has FreeSync I would bet safely that the monitor does not support it. To be safe you can open up AMD control center and under display properties see if it has an option to turn on FreeSync.