Bean007 :
"Sounds like you jsut confirmed that leveling is a boring grind and raiding is where its at. I tend to agree with that as well. I can't stand the leveling in WoW. It IS a funnel, you stick to your one area and then move on to next when you are appropriate level. No choices at all. Which is why most people level by doing dungeons via Dungeon Finder.
I got WoW when it came out. I was so close to dropping it multiple times because leveling was so boring. A friend kept me going. Then I moved to Everquest 2.
But to answer the question about Morrowind or what it was, with exploration etc.
Everquest 2 has some exploration. You have your clickies out in the world, books, shinies (collections which give you loot once you found all in a series and theres lots of series) etc. You have puzzles. "How do I spawn this boss?"
"Which lever to pull and what order?" etc. You can feel theres lore out in the world. Both good stories in the quests, interesting architecture and graphical style.
To date, EQ2 quest-texts/speech are the only ones I've read/listened to. Theres quite a lot of voice-over. In any other game I just click next next next. Dont care. Kill bears, yeah yeah, sure."
You are incorrect about that you have to stick to one area. Usually you'll have 2 areas that you can go 2 as your quests in the current area start to come to a end. There are books all over in wow if your looking for lore. Some in dungeons while others hidden away. There's even a Achievement for finding and reading the books.
Heck there's even the paperback's you can get to read.
As usual you don't have the correct info and I guess never even bothered to look for it. You assumed what you saw was it, didn't do much exploring and just did the quests. I would be willing to bet if you had gone to one of the RP servers and talked to some experienced player they would have shown you this, but you didn't. I think when you started playing you already had a negative mark against WoW and if so then why did you even bother. I'm even wondering if you even really played it. Perhaps you watched some youtube video of some guy that hated it and so you decided to watch it.
Lvl'ing is the same for the most of MMO's as they give you the choice of at least 2 different areas to lvl at. The only game would be something like EvE Online or Star Wars Galaxies. However they really don't have quests and it's just either killing or mining. SWG had or rather has (Unofficial Servers since the Officials are gone) missions you can take but it's for credits. You can go to any planet you want but there are certain areas that have mobs that at your current equipment setup you can kill. Can anything about EvE as I had only played it during closed beta.
I don't think you even left the starting area.
Congrats on getting it all wrong.
I have 2 lvl90s and a few 80+. I do have a subscription running.
2 areas but traveling to the other one takes a a long time, which really isn't feasible AND since I've played both ally and horde, I've seen all those places a thousand times. Done the same quests over and over.
The game is too balanced in terms of xp/quests per area. Theres really no point in lvling up again for the sake of story or lore. You do the same quests cause there are no alternatives. This is the primary reason I can't get myself to leveling a new char, just can't stand it. It feels liek a job and a boring job at that.
In some MMOs you can do completely different quests and questlines the 2nd time around, maybe even the third. And in the case of EQ2, a fourth time for the starting levels (since new islands introduced in expansions mean new starting areas and new quests).
And now that you mention Eve. I'm dualboxing 2 characters. Can be fun. I like combat so I've been to null, lived there numerous times, lived in a Wormhole, did exploration for months, done missions a long time.
You do what you want to. When you want to. And hopefully have the skills (that you train in realtime) to pull it off.
I betatested Eve but it took me 6 years before I even touched it after that. It was called, by some, a mining simulator for a reason.
I've tried most MMOs released in the last 15 years perhaps but theres only 6 I've liked. Wow, EQ2, Vanguard, Rift, Tera and Eve. You could say I'm not exactly a casual gamer.
Yes, I've seen the lore books but theres very little of that and to boot it's, in my opinion, on the level of comic books. Childish and uninteresting, full of cliches. "I'm the all powerful! Fear me!" Something along those lines.
Theres no depth, no content, no meaning. Pandaria is a bit different but still lacking. Cliches all over again.