Dont we want TSA to profile


Feb 28, 2011
I know there is a big deal about TSA profiling people
But in all honesty, isn't that a good thing

Doesnt the safety of hundreds of people's lives trump having your feelings hurt.
Who would you profile though? Muslims or just brown people?

The Israeli screening process would work but I can only imagine the logistics of every airport TSA agent receiving training for it.
We do need to profile. Hey, just cuz I'm a white guy, doesn't mean I mind a black, hispanic, or asian officer asking me what color my undies long as they don't ask me to refrain my constitutional rights/ and/or frisk me in public.
I think if we dont stand up, whether its one of ours, meaning all peoples of all faiths, of all colors, and throw the bums out, we get what we deserve.
This would include profiling as an effective way of separating them from every faith, color of persons, and ideologies

Sure, let the world governments take care of that...

While your at it...I invite you to the local bookstore. There is a great read by a guy by the name of Orwell.
Who said anything about government at all.
Each individual should take part, and do their share, speak out at the least, fight or turn in at the most.

What Im saying dog, is that each group, whatever their differences, need to expel those that hate the others, or in some cases, even people of that group, and then you will see other groups come to help.
Its always been the case, but like putting in a traffic light, enough people have to die first