doom patched cat 4.9 error



Archived from groups: alt.comp.periphs.videocards.ati (More info?)

I installed the cat4.9 over my omega4.7 and I lost all ability to adjust my
cards opengl and direct3d settings, I did a system restore and got it all
back again, so is this normal, is it worth it? is there a way to extract the
files I need and overwrite my originals manually so I don't loose the omega
interface? if so what files do I need?

The early worm gets eaten by the bird, so sleep late.

Take out the _CURSEING to reply to me


Jan 31, 2001
Archived from groups: alt.comp.periphs.videocards.ati (More info?)

always uninstall the old drivers before installing new ones
- if you want more tweakable options then use rage3d's
tweak program in conjunction with the new drivers.

"Highlandish" <> wrote in message
> I installed the cat4.9 over my omega4.7 and I lost all ability to adjust
> cards opengl and direct3d settings, I did a system restore and got it all
> back again, so is this normal, is it worth it? is there a way to extract
> files I need and overwrite my originals manually so I don't loose the
> interface? if so what files do I need?
> --
> The early worm gets eaten by the bird, so sleep late.
> Take out the _CURSEING to reply to me


Archived from groups: alt.comp.periphs.videocards.ati (More info?)


If you read the omega recommendations - the dude says to remove all traces
of other drivers. I guess u can use them together then.

"Highlandish" <> wrote in message
> I installed the cat4.9 over my omega4.7 and I lost all ability to adjust
> cards opengl and direct3d settings, I did a system restore and got it all
> back again, so is this normal, is it worth it? is there a way to extract
> files I need and overwrite my originals manually so I don't loose the
> interface? if so what files do I need?
> --
> The early worm gets eaten by the bird, so sleep late.
> Take out the _CURSEING to reply to me


Archived from groups: alt.comp.periphs.videocards.ati (More info?)

Quoth The Raven "Sleepy" <> in
> always uninstall the old drivers before installing new ones
> - if you want more tweakable options then use rage3d's
> tweak program in conjunction with the new drivers.

thanks, I'll either do that or wait until omega come out with a 4.9

I'm not 30 something. I'm $29.95, plus shipping and handling.

Take out the _CURSEING to reply to me


Archived from groups: alt.comp.periphs.videocards.ati (More info?)

Open up the Catalyst 4.9 archive with something like Winrar or XP's CAB file
viewer. Extract the atioglxx.dl_ file, rename it to atioglxx.dll and put it
in your Doom 3 directory. This way you get the benefits of the revised 4.9
OpenGL driver in D3 without f---ing with the rest of your system.

Damn, this reminds me of the 3dfx MiniGL days...

"War is the continuation of politics by other means.
It can therefore be said that politics is war without
bloodshed while war is politics with bloodshed."

"Highlandish" <> wrote in message
> I installed the cat4.9 over my omega4.7 and I lost all ability to adjust
> cards opengl and direct3d settings, I did a system restore and got it all
> back again, so is this normal, is it worth it? is there a way to extract
> files I need and overwrite my originals manually so I don't loose the
> interface? if so what files do I need?
> --
> The early worm gets eaten by the bird, so sleep late.
> Take out the _CURSEING to reply to me


Archived from groups: alt.comp.periphs.videocards.ati (More info?)

On Sun, 08 Aug 2004 22:32:04 GMT, "First of One" <>

>Open up the Catalyst 4.9 archive with something like Winrar or XP's CAB file
>viewer. Extract the atioglxx.dl_ file, rename it to atioglxx.dll and put it
>in your Doom 3 directory. This way you get the benefits of the revised 4.9
>OpenGL driver in D3 without f---ing with the rest of your system.
>Damn, this reminds me of the 3dfx MiniGL days...

Yes, I can confirm that this works. Although one note, is my
understanding that after extracting the atioglxx.dl_ file, it is still
compressed and you have to manually expand it before it is usable,
just renaming it may not work. I used the following command I found
on google:

expand atioglxx.dl_ atioglxx.dll

Then I put the dll file into my D3 directory (I used both the D3 root,
and "base", not sure which is correct but it works.) I have one small
bug after this, after playing Doom I have to go into the ATI driver
control panel to reset the gamma/color settings or other games are
much too bright. No biggie.


Archived from groups: alt.comp.periphs.videocards.ati (More info?)

Quoth The Raven "First of One" <> in
> Open up the Catalyst 4.9 archive with something like Winrar or XP's
> CAB file viewer. Extract the atioglxx.dl_ file, rename it to
> atioglxx.dll and put it in your Doom 3 directory. This way you get
> the benefits of the revised 4.9 OpenGL driver in D3 without f---ing
> with the rest of your system.
> Damn, this reminds me of the 3dfx MiniGL days...

thanks heaps!, only I don't yet have doom3, is there a place to put the file
to make all games use it like the system32/drivers folder?
I hate it when my foot falls asleep during the day because that means
it's going to be up all night. - Stephen Wright

Take out the _CURSEING to reply to me


Oct 12, 2002
Archived from groups: alt.comp.periphs.videocards.ati (More info?)

On Mon, 9 Aug 2004 21:26:29 +1000, "Highlandish"
<> wrote:

>Quoth The Raven "First of One" <> in
>> Open up the Catalyst 4.9 archive with something like Winrar or XP's
>> CAB file viewer. Extract the atioglxx.dl_ file, rename it to
>> atioglxx.dll and put it in your Doom 3 directory. This way you get
>> the benefits of the revised 4.9 OpenGL driver in D3 without f---ing
>> with the rest of your system.
>> Damn, this reminds me of the 3dfx MiniGL days...
>thanks heaps!, only I don't yet have doom3, is there a place to put the file
>to make all games use it like the system32/drivers folder?

I tried this but Doom3 became pretty unstable and had to remove the
new .dll after a few tries. :( Not sure why it didn't work.. I
extracted and expanded.. then renamed and put in base directory and
the main Doom3. I've tried it with it just in the base directory as
well. No dice. Maybe there is another file that is needed for it to

....Waiting for the Omega 4.8's or 4.9's I guess.



Archived from groups: alt.comp.periphs.videocards.ati (More info?)

Hmm, never heard about this one. What app are you using to extract the file?
My understanding is that the drivers are packed in a self-extracting CAB
file. So when you extract it from the CAB, it's decompressed.

"War is the continuation of politics by other means.
It can therefore be said that politics is war without
bloodshed while war is politics with bloodshed."

"zmike6" <zmike6@*SPAMBLOCK*> wrote in message
> Yes, I can confirm that this works. Although one note, is my
> understanding that after extracting the atioglxx.dl_ file, it is still
> compressed and you have to manually expand it before it is usable,
> just renaming it may not work. I used the following command I found
> on google:
> expand atioglxx.dl_ atioglxx.dll
> Then I put the dll file into my D3 directory (I used both the D3 root,
> and "base", not sure which is correct but it works.) I have one small
> bug after this, after playing Doom I have to go into the ATI driver
> control panel to reset the gamma/color settings or other games are
> much too bright. No biggie.


Archived from groups: alt.comp.periphs.videocards.ati (More info?)

On Tue, 10 Aug 2004 02:55:31 GMT, "First of One" <>

>Hmm, never heard about this one. What app are you using to extract the file?
>My understanding is that the drivers are packed in a self-extracting CAB
>file. So when you extract it from the CAB, it's decompressed.

I used WinRAR to extract it (maybe there is an option in WinRAR to
extract and expand it, I don't know). After extraction, I had a file
named atioglxx.dl_ that was about 3 megabytes in size. After
"expanding" it, it's about 6 megabytes in size. I was just following
some instructions I dug up on Google, so I'm not sure if the expand
step is still needed.