ok heres another set of shots:
<A HREF="http://download.server3.come2store.com/d3d3/closesci.jpg" target="_new">close up scientist shot</A>
<A HREF="http://download.server3.come2store.com/d3d3/closesci1.jpg" target="_new">2nd one</A>
<A HREF="http://download.server3.come2store.com/d3d3/closesci2.jpg" target="_new">3rd one</A>
hes the scientist who is responsible for all the mess we r meant to wipe off in doom3 he opens the gate of hell in the planet Mars!
any way look at the glasses soooooo real actually i can feel how heavy and annoying they r i can feel their weight on my nose.and its totally independent from the face not merged with the face skin mesh its cool.
<A HREF="http://download.server3.come2store.com/d3d3/sci.jpg" target="_new">scientists longshot</A>
<A HREF="http://download.server3.come2store.com/d3d3/sci1.jpg" target="_new">scnd one</A>
<A HREF="http://download.server3.come2store.com/d3d3/sci2.jpg" target="_new">3rd one</A>
<A HREF="http://download.server3.come2store.com/d3d3/hell.jpg" target="_new">gate of hell</A>
gate of hell opened by the scientisit
<A HREF="http://download.server3.come2store.com/d3d3/zombie.jpg" target="_new">getting zombied !</A>
this is the exact moment when a hell flying soul captures the UAC soldiers body.
<A HREF="http://download.server3.come2store.com/d3d3/Marines.JPG" target="_new">Marines</A>
two marines ,note the facial expression.