Game developer Sam Chiet gets Doom to run in Microsoft Notepad on Windows.
Doom Runs at 60 FPS in Notepad : Read more
Doom Runs at 60 FPS in Notepad : Read more
I thought Notepad was limited to 64K hence MSoft kept trying to get rid of it.Game developer Sam Chiet gets Doom to run in Microsoft Notepad on Windows.
Doom Runs at 60 FPS in Notepad : Read more
Create keyboard hook
Form ASCII screen
Send keys Ctrl a, delete
Copy text stream to clipboard
Send keys Ctrl v
Nothing that complicated. The text can be set by sending the WM_SETTEXT message to the text control.
How was this done?!??!?!Okay you win. You created the better mouse trap. . Or is that Doom trap?
There are algorithms out there that will render ASCII based on images. Been around a long time. Since the 80s in fact.How was this done?!??!?!