DOS games



I know this may sound like an obsolete question, but I thought it would make a good post and a question or two of mine can be answered. Anyone have any favorite DOS based games that you still play? I gotta say, I would totally be playing the MAM: Worlds of Xeen and the Ultima Collection if I could get the things to run properly. Ultima updates extremely fast and I seem to be unable to slow my CPU clock rate with the utility it provides. MAM :Worlds of Xeen, as with many other games require you to set up your sound and music settings. I cannot figure this stuff out if my life depended on it. What happened to auto dettect? I must be playing some real ancient programs. Anyhow, I have a SB Live 5.1.... I need to know what I should set my sound settings (SB, SB 16, SB pro, PC Speaker(the only one I can ever get to work ack!!)), my music settings (SB, SB pro, Roland whatever), my interrupt(Ibelieve its 10.. other options 5, 7, 3, 4), my DMA #( usually 0, 1, or 3), my serial port #(120blabla, 220blabla, 320,etc)... and I think thats it. Any suggestions... any experience running the ultima underclock utility?
Its all down to whatever works for you.

I run DOS games on:

port 220

Games include (don't laugh):

Railroad Tycoon

"Now drop your weapons or I'll kill him with this deadly jelly baby." :wink:


Feb 9, 2001
All kinds.

Fallout 1, Star Control 2, Xcom 3, Silent Service 2, Day of the Tentacle, Xwing, Tie Fighter, Wing Commander 3.

I always set the IRQ manually through win98 to 5, DMA through bios to 3 or 1. Then I play around with the memory settings until I've got 601K free or so.

Until you get your IRQ changed to either 3/5/7, you're not going to be hearing much sound from ms-dos games.