Jul 28, 2022
hey all,
my pc hardware is here https://pcpartpicker.com/list/8rRdd9
kind of
the case i had originally was the nzxt h510, i had some big noctua cpu radiator and fan, and OLOy ddr4 ram. everything worked perfectly fine. i purchased the lian li case, nzxt kraken x73, and corsair ram and tried to take everything out the old and in the new but the pc would not boot and gave the cpu light on the motherboard and no fans spun (even the one on power supply budged but didnt spin). the corsair rgb on the ram stayed lit up though i do not think that means anything. i tried everything i could think of taking out the cmos battery and putting it back in trying the old ram, 1 ram of one, then one ram of the other, old cooler, everything old but new case. and nothing changed. put everything back in the old case and tried to rebuild my old pc and now all of the fans spin and the lights on the video card and motherboard light up. everything looks running in the case but the status leds flicker between cpu and dram until finally landing on ram and everything runs. also note that when it quickly flickers to cpu all of the lights and fans flicker off. i just want my pc to run again. i might just wait a few weeks and buy a new motherboard and cpu and fans and basically just start a new build. i hope someone who knows more about pc building might be able to assist me. this is my hail mary.
I'm going to make an assumption that you've already flashed the motherboard BIOS. If you haven't do that first.

Check to make sure that your RAM is in the correct slots according to your Motherboard manual for Dual Channel

If you can boot up you should run MEMTEST
I don’t think I can flash the bios without getting display. If I can I don’t know what USB port to plug into. it any USB port? Can I even flash without getting into bios? I tried to look into the manual and It didn’t seem like I could. I have a gigabyte z390 ud.