China is a Communist nation state unless you've forgotten that important aspect. Little, if anything, gets done without being passed through or cleared by the government. There's no debating that as it is a matter of solidly supported fact.
You're making an assertion without any basis of fact by stating that this is a retaliatory action by Micron or by the US government. That's some hasty generalization of the worst possible kind if I've ever seen any. Don't do that. We can speculate all we want, but don't make a statement as fact when it can't be properly supported or validated as such. If you're going with "it seems like" as the general basis to support your claim, you may as well not have said anything at all or instead led with "in my opinion." You talk about retaliatory action being taken by our government, but have you considered that them banning Micron from selling in China isn't a bit of the same? UMC hasn't provided Micron with a copy of the court's decision and hasn't been served with an injunction as of this story which was written on 03 JUL 18. Given that was now several months ago, they may have finally received their documentation:
Besides, if they've already got Micron's tech and are producing it on their own, why allow a competitor from another nation sell there? It just undermines your own industry to a degree. As for this particular case, we're not likely to learn the finite details since it's still being investigated and under a likely gag of litigation. That said, no one, myself included, has made any kind of assertion that ALL businesses from China are shady and acting in a nefarious manner; coincidentally, there's sure a lot of smoke out there which means there are a lot of fires to go with it. Is this another instance where they are proven to have done what has been claimed? I suppose we'll see.
Corporate espionage is nothing new and it's a cutthroat world out there. Business is war, after all. This illustrates it rather clearly.