Dual monitors on Ryzen 5 2400g


Jul 19, 2016
So, I recently built a PC with

Ryzen 5 2400g

Gigabyte AB350n https://www.gigabyte.com/Motherboard/GA-AB350N-Gaming-WIFI-rev-10#kf

8gb ram

450watt psu

I thought a 2400g would be able to run multiple displays, especially since the AB350n has a display port and an HDMI port on it. I was thinking about getting an active display port adapter, but I don't know if that will work. I have yet to check if the BIOS is up to date, that's what I am going to do next.

Does anyone have a fix for this? I couldn't find anything online dealing with the new processor. Is there some type of cheap GPU that I could put in here to run 2x monitors with ease?
Were you ever able to figure this out? Currently struggling with the same issue. The Monitor connected via DisplayPort will show the POST image at boot,then go back to no signal once Windows starts loading.
In bios, enable multi-monitor.
In windows display, set your primary and secondary monitors (1 and 2) to the monitors of choice.
Boot sequence can be any monitor, depends on what the gpu decides the connection is ranked higher. Once windows loads, both monitors will then activate.

For me, the dvi to vga monitor is boot (it's the secondary monitor) then hdmi (primary) will finally wake up after windows starts loading.

Where is that option located? I can't seem to find it.
No idea on a Giga board, but for sure it's there. Different vendors have different bios setups, even same vendor, but Intel or AMD will be different as the bios is different.

Look in your manual, it'll have the answer to which tab its under.

Without enabling multi-monitor mode, the motherboard itself will restrict usage to just 1 video out, either the igpu or the pcie.

Literally no options whatsoever in the Gigabyte BIOS for Multi-Monitor at all. Only thing I can find about Display options is the Default Display output, either iGPU or PCIe.

Okay, well I had already set the default display to the iGPU, but I will try the secure boot/legacy boot tricks hopefully sometime this weekend an report back. Also hoping Gigabyte will give me better support than telling me for the second time now to install drivers. -_-
Well they are sorta right. Many ppl just build a pc, install windows (or format the ssd/hdd on occasion) and because everything seems to work, totally skip over the part where they should have first installed the chipset drivers from the manufacturer. While not usually essential, the chipset drivers are specific to the stuff on the mobo, like Realtek audio or Killer Lan, whereas Windows includes generic drivers that'll work.

But if you plan on running the 100 yard dash in the Olympics, you don't wear generic sneakers from Walmart. And that's the difference.

So Giga is kinda right, you definitely should have the chipset drivers (latest for Windows compatibility) installed. If you are sure you already do have those drivers (not just the ones for the cpu) then assume Gigabyte is clueless.
My experience with a Ryzen 3 2200G and Gigabyte AB350n-Wifi is as follows:

I loaded the optimized default settings in bios
I enabled XMP
I switched from PCI to IGD as first to be used during boot

After checking all possible settings, there is no multi-monitor setting nor is there one documented in the manual from the website.
The manual does state that only one monitor will be active until the OS starts. In my case the displayport is preferred to HDMI for the bios splash screen.

The major issue I ran into was this:
The AMD drivers don't detect the monitors.
Using the Windows Basic Display Adapter I could use a 1366x768 HDMI monitor.
The AMD drivers don't detect this monitor.

So the following would happen on single display with 1366x768
The bios splash would be shown
Then windows logo would be shown
Then monitor would lose signal
Plug in 1920x1080 DisplayPort and Windows login would be shown

Good luck!
Hi There,

I have this mobo: https://www.gigabyte.com/Motherboard/GA-AB350M-DS3H-rev-1x#kf
(GA-AB350M-DS3H) with Ryzen 3 2200G, Windows 1064bit
I connected two monitors on my mobo. 1 HDMI, and 1 DVI monitor. I cant use them in dual monitor mode in windows.

I've just figured out, that without the official amd chipset and video drivers, I can use the HDMI port, and the monitor on it, but doesn't detect my DVI monitor.

After I install the official AMD stuffs, the post screen and the windows bootup logo still displays on the first monitor (the HDMI), after the windows starts, it switches to the DVI monitor.

With or without AMD drivers, the windows 10 cant detect just 1 monitor. (In the 1st case the hdmi monitor was detected, with the amd drivers just the DVI monitor was detected)
So, dual monitor mode still not working....


That motherboard may not support dual monitors.

The GA-AB350N-Gaming WIFI manual has this comment:
Dual-display configurations are supported after you install motherboard drivers in OS.

GA-AB350M-DS3H manual does not mention dual display configurations.
Motherboard manuals usually don't as configurations are cpu dependent. In this case, the Vega graphics can support upto 6 monitors, so the real answer is the mobo can support as many monitors as it has ports unless you daisy chain the DisplayPort, but that's dependent on whether the monitor has DP in/out.