Hi, guys I just wanted to know is there any way I can prevent dust building up on the die embedded in the GPU backplate of my Asus TUF 4070 Super. The die exposed on the back of GPU inside the GPU backplate.
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I would suggest that the only way to really do this is to prevent as much dust entering the case in the first place. What case are you using and does it have dust filters?Hi, guys I just wanted to know is there any way I can prevent dust building up on the die embedded in the GPU backplate of my Asus TUF 4070 Super. The die exposed on the back of GPU inside the GPU backplate.
Fully agree on this. It is very easy to create a bigger problem with compressed air cans. Quite often having to turn the can to get to where you need and producing condensate as a result.My take is if it works - don't fix it.
The above in general is a decent advice with fans setup and filters, but I definitely would not be blasting compressed air on that part or any part.
If you're not careful, you will introduce condensation effect to the exposed electronics, basically accidentally produce moisture and that's definitely not something you want to risk with compressed air.