Dusting off a cpu...


Jun 5, 2013
Hey all I installed my cpu about a week ago but I had to buy a new cooler because the one I bought wasn't compatible with the case. Do I need to clean off the cpu before installing the cooler? If so would 70% rubbing alcohol work ? What do I use to clean ? Qtip? Coffee filter?
the 70% rubbing alcohol is fine but i recommend you use a microfibercloth or q tips just make sure there is no cotton from the q tip left on the cpu itself and that no thermal paste remains and then when installing the new heatsynk put a rice grain sized dob of thermal paste on the cpu place on the cooler rub around a few times (DO NOT REMOVE HEAT SYNK OR YOU WILL NEED TO START OVER) and tighten down thats all that there is to it