DV in don't work



Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.video (More info?)

I have a JVC GR-DX77EK digital camcorder. It records from camcorder to PC
fine but when my movie is produced (in Moviemaker 2.1 or any other programme)
it wont record back into the camcorder using the same firewire connector. The
camcorder is set to play, the unit shows DV-in on screen then either a few
seconds of footage are recorded back or nothing or MM hangs. Any help would
be most appreciated.
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.video (More info?)

It appears you are in the UK.... you should contact JVC in the UK to see if
DV-In is actually supported on your unit. Apparently because of some
licensing problem, many European models of digital camcorder do not have
DV-In enabled.
Cari (MS-MVP) Windows Client - Printing/Imaging and Hardware

"Tones UK" <TonesUK@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
>I have a JVC GR-DX77EK digital camcorder. It records from camcorder to PC
> fine but when my movie is produced (in Moviemaker 2.1 or any other
> programme)
> it wont record back into the camcorder using the same firewire connector.
> The
> camcorder is set to play, the unit shows DV-in on screen then either a few
> seconds of footage are recorded back or nothing or MM hangs. Any help
> would
> be most appreciated.