DVI Input Disconnects Randomly and CPU fans go crazy.


Apr 22, 2015
Outside of a game, everything is running smoothly as expected. Depending on the game, in between 5-15 minutes my DVI Input becomes disconnected from the GPU, making my monitor turn off, and seemingly all the fans in my case go much faster.

When this does happen, I can still hear all desktop audio, from in-game to my friends in Discord. It is not dusty, as it has only been a few weeks since I cleaned my case and installed the new GPU.

What are the possibilities of my (very annoying) issue? Could it be a heating issue? This problem literally started the yesterday night of November 21st, pretty much out of nowhere.
I would start the process and see what they have to say. If you have a buddy with another GPU handy, you could hit him up for borrowing his for a few test, so you can make sure that it is just the GPU issue. This way you can rule out the DVI cable and the Monitor out all in one test of another GPU.

CPU is Intel Core i7-4790K, and the GPU has the word "superclocked" all over the box so I assume it is factory overclocked. If you want to see the product page here it is. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814487244&nm_mc=AFC-C8Junction&cm_mmc=AFC-C8Junction-PCPartPicker,%20LLC-_-na-_-na-_-na&cm_sp=&AID=10446076&PID=3938566&SID=


I'm sorry to question your knowledge, but are you sure? I've had this setup for weeks now and this problem only started yesterday. Could there be any other possible reasons? 🙁

I wouldn't think you have a PSU issue, unless it is failing (possible). It seems more likely that you have a temperature issue. Do you know what the temperatures are at when you are at idle and when gaming?

What are you complete specifications of your build, this would help us help you better.

Also, do you have another DVI cable to test?
Also, Is it possible that your monitor has an issue?

I don't have another DVI cable to test, and I don't think my monitor has an issue, as in this topic, this problem I am having has been very consistent in the last 48 hours or so.

did you see my last post about a recall of EVGA's 1070's/1080's??

Yes, sorry I did not see it until I had replied.


So I have tried to request those thermal pads from EVGA's website, and I am having issues.

Here is a screenshot of what the website says I am eligible for.

But the bottom portion of the page says otherwise.

The original issue of this post was that while I was "in-game" my DVI Input Cable would disconnect and my fans would go crazy. But now, it seems to also be happening very much randomly outside of a game too. Be it scrolling through emails, or googling things, the disconnection and super fan speeds would occur too.

2 questions:
1 - I attempted the VBIOS update. Is it supposed to be as fast as it seemed? Less than 10 second process?

2 - In addition to this VBIOS update, should I also update my NVIDIA GeForce Drivers?


Hello lunyone, its been a while since my DVI Input Disconnected and CPU fans went crazy. Today, it just happened again, twice.

The issue began again while I was playing Rise of the Tomb Raider. The night before, I was playing continuously for nearly 2 hours with no issues. This morning, after less than 30 minutes each, the problem occurred.

I was using CPUID Monitor while tabbing in/out to monitor my temperatures, and they were fine. It was between 65-70 degrees celsius, which is normal.