e6750 Temp Confusion


Nov 9, 2007
Ok guys, I know you are gonna wanna kill me for posting this cause I'm sure it's in a few places already but it seems the more I read the more I see things that contradict each other and thoe more I get confused so I'm just gonna ask it here.

I was hoping you guys could tell me which temp(s) it is that really matter for my C2D and what I should aim to keep my e6750 under. Also what tool is a good one for measuring said temp cause I've used a few and sometimes get very different temps, sometimes as much as 15 C.

I am curious cause I currently have an OC of just 3.2 GHz and I want to push it farther but I wanna be safe. Then again I'm not too worried if I blow my chip as I'll just get an e8400 but obviously I wanna try avoiding that lol.

Thanks alot.


Intel Master
That information is clearly shown in my Temp Guide, as well as the techniques to calibrate both sets of temperatures. Just curious, but is there a reason why don't you recommend Real Temp? The OP is confused and is looking for a clear directive.


Intel Master
Hawler if you'd like to have the most accurate CPU temperature AND Core temperatures possible, then use my Core 2 Quad and Duo Temperature Guide to calibrate SpeedFan specifically to your rig: http://www.tomshardware.com/forum/221745-29-core-quad-temperature-guide

From the Guide:

Section 6: Scale

Scale 1: Duo
E6x50: Tcase Max 72c, Stepping G0

--70--/--75--75-- Hot
--65--/--70--70-- Warm
--60--/--65--65-- Safe
--25--/--30--30-- Cool

Your next solution is Real Temp: http://www.techpowerup.com/realtemp/

Real Temp is quite simply the best Core temperature monitoring utility currently available. Read the following documentation - http://www.techpowerup.com/realtemp/docs.php - to understand how Real Temp addresses sensor linearity problems that other popular utilities do not. For this reason, I do not recommend Core Temp to anyone.

Hope this clears up the confusion,

Comp :sol:


Nov 9, 2007
Thanks a lot CompuTronix, I'll read over your full guide later but that snippet there is what I was looking for.

So i Guess for my e6750 my idle core temp (measured with real temp) of 31 and load of 47 are fine....looks like it's time to start OCing a little more, and luckily I have tons of room on my Vcore before i near 1.5V which as far as i can gather is what most people say is a good limit for e6750


Nov 9, 2007
Yeah, I've got a Scythe Infinity on mine now with two 120mm Fans in a Push-pull configuration with airflow going towards the 200mm fan on my Antec 900 case. Im thinking I migth try the 4 fan scythe infinity setup with a push-pull cross wind approach. I have a feeling my NB will die before my 6750. I'm using an XFX nvidia 680i. But i'm planning on getting a better NB HS when I grab a couple of HSs for my 8800 GTs....my computer is going to have waaaay to many fans...it's already got the 4 120mm case fans and the 200mm case fan and 2 120mm cpu fans and one internal 120mm that kinda just floats in the middle of nowwhere.....and now it looks like i might add 2 120mm to the CPU, an 80mm to each GPU and a small spot cooler to my NB. This might get loud....