[citation][nom]bourgeoisdude[/nom]Actually the Xbox 360's GPU is arguably superior to the PS3. It's the 7-core Cell processor on the PS3 that allows it to keep up, and in many cases surpass the 360. It's all in how the game is developed. For this one, since all three platforms are involved, it's likely developed for the PC primarily, which is easier to port to the 360 than the PS3. For this particular game, most likely it's the PS3 that will be "scaled back" more than the 360.[/citation]
most likely not ,it was welldocumented that DA:O was scaled back more on the 360 than it was on the pc ,so it is most likely that any sequel will follow this same rule since they are most likely using the same engine. i guessatwhy teh 360version was scaled back more on teh original is simple threading , being designed for pc, DA:O was multi threaded to take advantage of higher core chips , the 360 is locked at 3 cores with a vid card that is equvilant to a x1900 radeon while the ps3 is closer to a 7 core chip with a gf 7800 sure it programs differnt but the engine likes it better for having a higher core count. so i wont besuprised if teh ps3 version of number 2 lookes better thant eh xbox 360 one , of coruse it goes with out sayign pc willlook the best .
should be noted though i run this game max settings on a dual core athy 5000+ BE (oced to 3 ghz) and a radeon 5770(before that a gf 9600gt which stil did the job on this game" but then again my cpu is clockedmuch higehr than that 3 core on a 360 or the ps3 chip also my comp has a crap load more memory for video and system