fazers_on_stun :
"And God said, Let There Be Light!" or something similar.. In the book of Genesis, and rather appropriately, near the beginning 😀..
Actually physics can only trace the big bang back to something like 10^-43 seconds, where time itself began and the universe was maybe the size of a basketball or softball, I forget which. Then around 10 eons later, 10^-33 seconds or so, gravity separated out from the other 3 forces and the universe expanded exponentially to something like 10^1000 times, spacetime carrying along with it all the original matter in the universe but then adding in a huge amount more as matter 'condensed' out of the energy released by the expansion.
So, it makes no sense to talk about a time before the Big Bang, since time itself did not exist. So the universe prior to the BB was "without form" as also described in Genesis..
However it does make sense to talk about the end of the universe. Prior to the discovery of dark energy (the force many scientists postulate as causing the acceleration of matter away from itself, sorta like the inflationary epoch but in slo-mo), cosmologists thought there wasn't enough matter (both visible and dark) to keep the universe from expanding forever. Dark energy just speeds up the timetable. Anyway, before the last red dwarfs wink out and the "Light" is extinguished forever, some future descendant of humanity would only see our galaxy, or a portion thereof, in the night sky. Everything else would have receded over the cosmological event horizon, lost forever. After that, even galactic-sized black holes would evaporate, providing brief sparks in the otherwise perpetual darkness. If the proton is unstable as some theorize, then maybe it too would eventually evaporate into quarks, in about 10^150 years from now. So all that would be left would be a thin quark soup and the universe would be at maximum entropy. More importantly, all information (history) would be gone as well, so if you believe you have an immortal soul consisting of your 'essence' or the sum total of information about you & your life, it won't be found in this universe..
Actually physics can only trace the big bang back to something like 10^-43 seconds, where time itself began and the universe was maybe the size of a basketball or softball, I forget which. Then around 10 eons later, 10^-33 seconds or so, gravity separated out from the other 3 forces and the universe expanded exponentially to something like 10^1000 times, spacetime carrying along with it all the original matter in the universe but then adding in a huge amount more as matter 'condensed' out of the energy released by the expansion.
So, it makes no sense to talk about a time before the Big Bang, since time itself did not exist. So the universe prior to the BB was "without form" as also described in Genesis..
However it does make sense to talk about the end of the universe. Prior to the discovery of dark energy (the force many scientists postulate as causing the acceleration of matter away from itself, sorta like the inflationary epoch but in slo-mo), cosmologists thought there wasn't enough matter (both visible and dark) to keep the universe from expanding forever. Dark energy just speeds up the timetable. Anyway, before the last red dwarfs wink out and the "Light" is extinguished forever, some future descendant of humanity would only see our galaxy, or a portion thereof, in the night sky. Everything else would have receded over the cosmological event horizon, lost forever. After that, even galactic-sized black holes would evaporate, providing brief sparks in the otherwise perpetual darkness. If the proton is unstable as some theorize, then maybe it too would eventually evaporate into quarks, in about 10^150 years from now. So all that would be left would be a thin quark soup and the universe would be at maximum entropy. More importantly, all information (history) would be gone as well, so if you believe you have an immortal soul consisting of your 'essence' or the sum total of information about you & your life, it won't be found in this universe..
Touching on one point. The expansion of the universe is slowing based on the information gathered. The concept in play currently is that as the universe is spreading from the big bang, it will slow down eventually, then stop, and reverse the order and slowly start pulling back together. In billions of eons or whatever, the process restarts.