Edge Rune Word



Archived from groups: alt.games.diablo (More info?)


I made an Edge rune word for my Amazon and found it to be fairly
fantastic! The level 15 Thorns aura makes my Valkyrie near invincible
- NM Diablo couldn't touch her when I was level 32ish. Now in Act I
Hell, with 15 points, she can be surrounded by most packs of monsters
with little effect. She draws and keeps aggro very well now.

I gave my 1st Edge to my Druid's mercenary and now his whold pack gets
Thorns! You get some of the benefits of an Act II merc with decent
killing power.



Archived from groups: alt.games.diablo (More info?)

"Julie Warden" <julie_warden@spamonlyhotmail.com> wrote in message
> Group,
> I made an Edge rune word for my Amazon and found it to be fairly
> fantastic! The level 15 Thorns aura makes my Valkyrie near invincible
> - NM Diablo couldn't touch her when I was level 32ish. Now in Act I
> Hell, with 15 points, she can be surrounded by most packs of monsters
> with little effect. She draws and keeps aggro very well now.

Uhhh, Thorns doesn't prevent monsters from hitting you or your minions, it
means they take damage when they hit you or your minions.

> Julie


Archived from groups: alt.games.diablo (More info?)

On Fri, 15 Apr 2005 01:52:52 -0500, "Shiflet" <rshiflet@charter.net>

>"Julie Warden" <julie_warden@spamonlyhotmail.com> wrote in message
>> Group,
>> I made an Edge rune word for my Amazon and found it to be fairly
>> fantastic! The level 15 Thorns aura makes my Valkyrie near invincible
>> - NM Diablo couldn't touch her when I was level 32ish. Now in Act I
>> Hell, with 15 points, she can be surrounded by most packs of monsters
>> with little effect. She draws and keeps aggro very well now.
>Uhhh, Thorns doesn't prevent monsters from hitting you or your minions, it
>means they take damage when they hit you or your minions.
>> Julie
Yes, I know that, but I guess I didn't express it. I know it's not
like a Life Tap thing, but honestly, my Valkyrie and even little Dire
Wolves are lasting a lot better in Act I NM with my Druid and an Edge
Rogue merc.

For example, my Valk was fighting Treehead Woodfist and his minions
in Hell and though they killed her and me once, when it got down to
just him and one minion, I saw her go from a red life bar to yellow in
the midst of the fighting. Weird, maybe it's just a very fast regen,
but I don't recall it ever happening before and I've been playing an
Amazon a lot. I'll go back in without my Edge and see what the Valk
does - not a scientific study, but good enough for Fox News channel to
take as fact.

Thanks for your reply,


Archived from groups: alt.games.diablo (More info?)

The only way a Thorns aura could help minions stay alive longer is if the
monsters are killing themselves in very few hits, thus preventing them from
further hitting said minion.

Other than that, the Thorns aura does not enhance whatsoever a character or
minion. So your Valk cannot last longer versus any Act Boss, since Thorns
is rather weak versus them, exception of Duriel maybe.

The 'fast life regeneration' you noticed on your Valk might have been caused
by an item she spawned with that has Life Steal.

"Julie Warden" <julie_warden@spamonlyhotmail.com> wrote in message
> On Fri, 15 Apr 2005 01:52:52 -0500, "Shiflet" <rshiflet@charter.net>
> wrote:
> >
> >"Julie Warden" <julie_warden@spamonlyhotmail.com> wrote in message
> >news:6gmu51te1jm8t7ao6ude0mc6hp13vtkgj0@4ax.com...
> >> Group,
> >>
> >> I made an Edge rune word for my Amazon and found it to be fairly
> >> fantastic! The level 15 Thorns aura makes my Valkyrie near invincible
> >> - NM Diablo couldn't touch her when I was level 32ish. Now in Act I
> >> Hell, with 15 points, she can be surrounded by most packs of monsters
> >> with little effect. She draws and keeps aggro very well now.
> >
> >Uhhh, Thorns doesn't prevent monsters from hitting you or your minions,
> >means they take damage when they hit you or your minions.
> >
> >> Julie
> >>
> Yes, I know that, but I guess I didn't express it. I know it's not
> like a Life Tap thing, but honestly, my Valkyrie and even little Dire
> Wolves are lasting a lot better in Act I NM with my Druid and an Edge
> Rogue merc.
> For example, my Valk was fighting Treehead Woodfist and his minions
> in Hell and though they killed her and me once, when it got down to
> just him and one minion, I saw her go from a red life bar to yellow in
> the midst of the fighting. Weird, maybe it's just a very fast regen,
> but I don't recall it ever happening before and I've been playing an
> Amazon a lot. I'll go back in without my Edge and see what the Valk
> does - not a scientific study, but good enough for Fox News channel to
> take as fact.
> Thanks for your reply,
> Julie
> >