Info Edifier R1280Ts powered bookshelf speakers


Apologies, I had put a link to the Edifier site, and it appears there was a redirect on it.

These speakers come well packaged and protected from shipping damage. The first thing I noticed was the solid feel of the speakers. I picked the wood grain ones and was a bit concerned as to whether the wood color would match the desk. I feel fairly pleased that it is very close, and they look nice just sitting there. Another aspect I liked just viewing pictures are the mirror image arrangement of the drivers and port. The bottom of each speaker comes with some feet to keep them from vibrating or moving around the surface.

The controls and connections are pretty straightforward. The only thing you may need is if you are going to connect to a second device you need to consider the cabling. As shown, these come with a 3.5mm to RCA and RCA to RCA as input options. It is getting more and more rare that one would need that latter cable, but I used a converter I had laying around and have both of these connected to different PC.

Right out of the box these are, of course, set to zero adjustment on the treble or bass. The volume knob is the type that clicks as you turn. It does not appear to have a stop built in; it will just keep going so far as I can tell. I haven't discovered if there is a way to know when the speaker is at upper limit yet. The speakers have a really decent midrange presence and spatial stereo effect. They give a good sound field with triangle placement and almost feel like there is a center channel. With that said they are quite midrange strong. Where you can adjust the treble and bass with the radial knobs the adjustments have their own detractions. The treble adjusts up fairly linear until you get right near the halfway to the top point. It will then adjust very quickly from almost right to sizzle. The bass adjustment helps a bit for that low midrange punchiness, but this is also hampered by going towards muddy the more adjustment you add. Like many of this type of speaker there is almost an imperceptible balance difference right side strong. This makes sense given that the amp and controls are on that side.

I would mention here that the speakers also come with a little remote control which has a button to turn on some manner of sound adjustment that I have not used. Don't really see a need for it at this point.

Bottom line so far is that for the price this is seemingly a decent set of speakers for use with such things as a PC, record player, perhaps a TV if the connections are present (there are better model options in this line for that last use case). In my own opinion this is a good start to what is actually 1/2 of the product you need for this line, and that other half would be the T5 subwoofer. These get plenty loud, and they have a really decent middling sound that is great for music or game consumption and so on.

I will be adding some slightly better (gauge) wire for the left speaker. It may well be a waste of time given the distance involved as well as not knowing what gauge is used inside the cabinet. My hope on that is it will reduce or eliminate the slight right-side bias. In addition, I plan to pick up the subwoofer soon. This, to me, will be where we really find out what is going on with these units. I feel like the treble adjustment being so abrupt at the end of the knob travel is likely an answer to the additional bass and presence when a powered sub is connected, and these speakers are band passing.
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Hey @punkncat ,

Nice review!

There's some reference to pictures, but I don't see any. SO not sure of the exact context.

Thank you.

I had posted the link to the manufacturer's page, but it had a redirect in it and removed it.

I plan on touching back on this again after the subwoofer from this same brand comes in. I have one that I borrowed from another spot for now and it really made a world of difference in the sound and presence.
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Just googling there, and indeed they are nice. I do like the wood finish. Also like the little touches with control nobs on the side and recessed.

They truly do "class the joint up" a bit as far as aesthetics. One other aspect of these that I liked was the size. I had been looking at some Klipsch speakers and had a really good idea what sound I would get since I have a set of the exact same passive drivers. Those speakers are quite large for a desktop use case as they are something like a foot tall. The other aspect there being that knowing these both would need a sub the pricing is where I got these speakers and the sub for barely more than the older version of Klipsch's R-41PM, and significantly less than the newer 40PM by that same make. These stand just over 9.5" and for the space and application are as big as I would dare go without looking clownish IMO.

I appreciate your input. More later...
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