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On Mon, 17 May 2004 21:49:05 -0400, Tony Hill <>
>On Mon, 17 May 2004 03:01:25 -0400, George Macdonald
><fammacd=!SPAM^> wrote:
>>On Sun, 16 May 2004 17:53:25 -0400, Tony Hill <>
>>>Huh? Flash ads? I haven't seen any of those in months! Not since I
>>>installed Firefox and the Flash Click-to-play extension! :>
>>I'm still on Mozilla 1.4.1.
>Time to get with the times there George! :>
Hey it works for me and is dated 20031008. After suffering with the GDI
resource leak bug, and
following its never-ending history, I'm not confident about moving umm,
>>>Seriously though, Flash ads were a MAJOR pain in the ass, some were
>>>getting even more annoying that pop-up ads. There were some that were
>>>using 50% or more of my CPU time (on an AthlonXP 1700+) just to
>>>display a small flash banner ad! That sort of thing was the final
>>Yep, there's one HP Flash job in particular I keep coming across at Yahoo
>>which pegs my poor old P3/500 to the point that just scrolling gets very
>I think that ad might actually have been the final straw for me too.
>I know it was an ad I used to come across on Yahoo that finally did
>it. Ohh, that and a couple times I tried playing a game with a
>browser window minimized in the background and was yanking my hair out
>trying to figure out why my frame rates were abysmal all of a sudden,
>only to find some stupid flash ad munching away CPU time.
IIRC the ad had a city dusk skyline - not much action but it bogged the
>>>I think the Flash-ad thing might be shooting itself in the foot in the
>>>same way that pop-up/pop-under ads have. Already virtually every
>>>browser in the world implements pop-up blocking. Only Internet
>>>Explorer is still, but it's been on the distant trailing edge of
>>>browser technology for 2 or 3 years now, and even that will implement
>>>pop-up blocking as part of WinXP SP2. Flash blocking is just starting
>>>to appear now, but with the way things are going I think most users
>>>will be blocking the adds in a couple of years time.
>>Pop-up blocking is nice but you have to also know which web sites you visit
>>require it... like some of the banks' on-line banking services.
>I've actually found extremely few sites that actually make use of
>unrequested pop-ups for anything too useful. Most of the cases I have
>encountered have been a sort of one-time deal, so I haven't really
>worried too much. However there are a couple of extensions for
>Firebird that do allow you to selectively enable pop-ups (eg I think
>for one of them you will allow pop-ups any time your holding down the
>shift key).
I find the Mozilla selective pop-up by Web site works fine and is easy to
>> I have the
>>Mozilla Prefbar which has a "Kill Flash" but unfortunately it also kills
>Hmm.. that's an odd one!
Yes and not very glamorous, so nobody seems to be paying attention - still
marked as "Leave as New":
Rgds, George Macdonald
"Just because they're paranoid doesn't mean you're not psychotic" - Who, me??