
Archived from groups: alt.games.nintendo.pokemon (More info?)

what would you do for an entirely eevee-team
eeveelutions allowed!



Archived from groups: alt.games.nintendo.pokemon (More info?)

"René Heijmans" <frame997@hetnet.nl> wrote in message
> what would you do for an entirely eevee-team
> eeveelutions allowed!

This is a tricky one. Sure you go with the five Eeveelutions (always loved
that term ^^) but what about the sixth spot?

Well, First you deal with the first five. Flareon 's best stat is Attack.
And, as a Fire type, should also be equipped with Flamethrower. Physical
Attacks are a must, though. Shadow Ball is good, esecially if you're dealing
with a high Sp. Def. Pokemon. Double Teamers fall to Swift. Pick a fourth to
round it out. Sunny Day might be good for reasons explained later. And yes,
I didn't choose Fire Blast. We all know it's more powerful and less accurate.
The Accuracy is what kills it for me.

Shadow Ball

Vaporeon has the edge in HP. It's Special Attack comes in second. Naturally,
you'd want to play with that in mind. So what do we have to work with? Kinda
standard, Ice Beam and Surf are always good choices. But for your other
moves? Well, with good HP, Rest would be a nice choice, but it leaves you
vunerable for 2 turns at least. This can be tempered with Sleep Talk,
teachable in Emerald by an old guy in Fortree City.

Ice Beam
Sleep Talk

Jolteon... My favorite! Even though I'm a Psychic lover, Jolteon has always
impressed me from the Chromatic days ^^ Thunderbolt is, of course, a must.
Jolteon can also learn Double Kick and Pin Missile. Though not highly
appreciated, these three moves have nonetheless been signature for Jolteon.
So how do you round him out? Well, one school of thought encourages replacing
Thunderbolt with Thunder and giving Rain Dance as the fourth move. Not bad,
but since it takes 2 turns to pull off, the enemy can get one shot in before
your Thunder. Also, below is a reason why I don't prefer Rain Dance with
Espeon and Umbreon. I have always loved giving Toxic as its fourth move.
Jolteon's Speed can usually get the Toxic in before the other get's a first
move. The Thunder/Rain Dance combo is always something to consider, though.

Pin Missile
Double Kick

Espeon: Strongest Special Attack of the Five. And, of course, Psychic is a
must for any Psychic type Pokemon. Morning Sun in also a nice move.
HOWEVER!! This is why I don't prefer the Rain Dance combo on Jolteon. IIRC,
back in the Metallic days, Rain Dance hampered the power of the Light Heals
(Morning Sun, Synthesis, Moonlight). (I haven't had a chance to personally
test this yet in Emerald.) This is also why I suggested Sunny Day as a
possible Fourth Move for Flareon. Sunny Day would boost their power to full
healing. (Again, I haven't personally tested it.) Light Heals aside, the
other two moves are pretty much anything goes. Its horrific weakness to Dark
doesn't encourage the fact it can't learn anything to really fight it. Best
bet I can think of is Reflect and Calm Mind. If you don't like Reflect, you
can try Charm to lower their attack. I'd stick with Reflect, though, since it
can pass on to others if Espeon faints.

Morning Sun
Reflect or Charm
Calm Mind

Umbreon is Dark. That's it. It has the better defenses of them all, having
higher Defense and Special Defense AND the second highest HP. This one should
be built in Tank Mode. It can play the waiting game somewhat well. I've
actually pissed people off with one name Shaseol (anagram) with Toxic, Double
Team, Moonlight, and Mean Look. It's higher defense give it more
survivability, Mean Look locks the Pokemon in place, Toxic can put a mean hurt
on it, Double Team help increase its survivability, and Moonlight heals odd
hits that get in after Double Teaming enough times. Believe it or not, this
has actually won quite a few battle. The only reason he doesn't have any Dark
type moves is his Special Attack is the worst of them all.

Double Team
Mean Look

Now, we approach the question of: Who goes in slot 6? Well, the purist would,
of course go for an Eevee, to which I say: NO! Excuse me, let me rephrase
that: HELL NO!!! Eevee is naturally the weakest, stat wise. So who would be
best for the coveted sixth spot?

Well, strange as it may seem, Vaporeon would fit in good enough. Here's why:
Along with having the best HP, it's move list is better and it has good
Special Attack. So while Ice Beam and Surf are boring yet reliable, this one
would differ from the other, giving you more versatility.

Ice Beam
Hidden Power

OK, I know what you're thinking: "Hidden Power?! WTF! Have you gone nuts?!"
No, I've been nuts for some time now ^^ But this Vaporeon is made to be your
filler. Work on it to get it's strongest Hidden Power and the type you want.
http://www.serebii.net/games/hidden-power.shtml gives a thorough breakdown of
the Hidden Power method. It's just a matter of luck and patience.

Now, everyone's gonna ask, what items should they hold? Personally, I've
never cared about items as far as strategy, save for a Focus Band on a
Shuckle. Use what you think would be appropriate, such as something to awaken
your Resting Vaporeon. So here's my picks for an Eevee based team:

Shadow Ball

Ice Beam
Sleep Talk

Pin Missile
Double Kick

Morning Sun
Reflect or Charm
Calm Mind

Double Team
Mean Look

Vaporeon 2:
Ice Beam
Hidden Power

Try it out and have fun!

(And bonus points to whoever figures out Shaseol's original name ^^)
The worse crime you can commit against another human is to make them think.


Archived from groups: alt.games.nintendo.pokemon (More info?)

Why not using an Eevee and take it at the first line ?
Using some interesting defensive attacks, it should be useful
Eevee @ BrightPowder
Double Team
baton Pass

Begin with Swagger and re-use it each time the ennemy is no more confused
Use double team 6 times and then reflect
Finally, Swagger if necessary and baton pass

"fluxxdog" <screw.the.sp@m.com> a écrit dans le message de news:
> "René Heijmans" <frame997@hetnet.nl> wrote in message
> news:d6cepb$aeq$1@reader08.wxs.nl...
>> what would you do for an entirely eevee-team
>> eeveelutions allowed!
> This is a tricky one. Sure you go with the five Eeveelutions (always
> loved that term ^^) but what about the sixth spot?
> Well, First you deal with the first five. Flareon 's best stat is Attack.
> And, as a Fire type, should also be equipped with Flamethrower. Physical
> Attacks are a must, though. Shadow Ball is good, esecially if you're
> dealing with a high Sp. Def. Pokemon. Double Teamers fall to Swift. Pick
> a fourth to round it out. Sunny Day might be good for reasons explained
> later. And yes, I didn't choose Fire Blast. We all know it's more
> powerful and less accurate. The Accuracy is what kills it for me.
> Flamethrower
> Shadow Ball
> Swift
> ????
> Vaporeon has the edge in HP. It's Special Attack comes in second.
> Naturally, you'd want to play with that in mind. So what do we have to
> work with? Kinda standard, Ice Beam and Surf are always good choices.
> But for your other moves? Well, with good HP, Rest would be a nice
> choice, but it leaves you vunerable for 2 turns at least. This can be
> tempered with Sleep Talk, teachable in Emerald by an old guy in Fortree
> City.
> Surf
> Ice Beam
> Rest
> Sleep Talk
> Jolteon... My favorite! Even though I'm a Psychic lover, Jolteon has
> always impressed me from the Chromatic days ^^ Thunderbolt is, of course,
> a must. Jolteon can also learn Double Kick and Pin Missile. Though not
> highly appreciated, these three moves have nonetheless been signature for
> Jolteon. So how do you round him out? Well, one school of thought
> encourages replacing Thunderbolt with Thunder and giving Rain Dance as the
> fourth move. Not bad, but since it takes 2 turns to pull off, the enemy
> can get one shot in before your Thunder. Also, below is a reason why I
> don't prefer Rain Dance with Espeon and Umbreon. I have always loved
> giving Toxic as its fourth move. Jolteon's Speed can usually get the Toxic
> in before the other get's a first move. The Thunder/Rain Dance combo is
> always something to consider, though.
> Thunderbolt
> Pin Missile
> Double Kick
> Toxic
> Espeon: Strongest Special Attack of the Five. And, of course, Psychic is
> a must for any Psychic type Pokemon. Morning Sun in also a nice move.
> HOWEVER!! This is why I don't prefer the Rain Dance combo on Jolteon.
> IIRC, back in the Metallic days, Rain Dance hampered the power of the
> Light Heals (Morning Sun, Synthesis, Moonlight). (I haven't had a chance
> to personally test this yet in Emerald.) This is also why I suggested
> Sunny Day as a possible Fourth Move for Flareon. Sunny Day would boost
> their power to full healing. (Again, I haven't personally tested it.)
> Light Heals aside, the other two moves are pretty much anything goes. Its
> horrific weakness to Dark doesn't encourage the fact it can't learn
> anything to really fight it. Best bet I can think of is Reflect and Calm
> Mind. If you don't like Reflect, you can try Charm to lower their attack.
> I'd stick with Reflect, though, since it can pass on to others if Espeon
> faints.
> Psychic
> Morning Sun
> Reflect or Charm
> Calm Mind
> Umbreon is Dark. That's it. It has the better defenses of them all,
> having higher Defense and Special Defense AND the second highest HP. This
> one should be built in Tank Mode. It can play the waiting game somewhat
> well. I've actually pissed people off with one name Shaseol (anagram)
> with Toxic, Double Team, Moonlight, and Mean Look. It's higher defense
> give it more survivability, Mean Look locks the Pokemon in place, Toxic
> can put a mean hurt on it, Double Team help increase its survivability,
> and Moonlight heals odd hits that get in after Double Teaming enough
> times. Believe it or not, this has actually won quite a few battle. The
> only reason he doesn't have any Dark type moves is his Special Attack is
> the worst of them all.
> Toxic
> Moonlight
> Double Team
> Mean Look
> Now, we approach the question of: Who goes in slot 6? Well, the purist
> would, of course go for an Eevee, to which I say: NO! Excuse me, let me
> rephrase that: HELL NO!!! Eevee is naturally the weakest, stat wise. So
> who would be best for the coveted sixth spot?
> Well, strange as it may seem, Vaporeon would fit in good enough. Here's
> why: Along with having the best HP, it's move list is better and it has
> good Special Attack. So while Ice Beam and Surf are boring yet reliable,
> this one would differ from the other, giving you more versatility.
> Surf
> Ice Beam
> Bite
> Hidden Power
> OK, I know what you're thinking: "Hidden Power?! WTF! Have you gone
> nuts?!" No, I've been nuts for some time now ^^ But this Vaporeon is made
> to be your filler. Work on it to get it's strongest Hidden Power and the
> type you want. http://www.serebii.net/games/hidden-power.shtml gives a
> thorough breakdown of the Hidden Power method. It's just a matter of luck
> and patience.
> Now, everyone's gonna ask, what items should they hold? Personally, I've
> never cared about items as far as strategy, save for a Focus Band on a
> Shuckle. Use what you think would be appropriate, such as something to
> awaken your Resting Vaporeon. So here's my picks for an Eevee based team:
> Flareon:
> Flamethrower
> Shadow Ball
> Swift
> ????
> Vaporeon:
> Surf
> Ice Beam
> Rest
> Sleep Talk
> Jolteon:
> Thunderbolt
> Pin Missile
> Double Kick
> Toxic
> Espeon:
> Psychic
> Morning Sun
> Reflect or Charm
> Calm Mind
> Umbreon:
> Toxic
> Moonlight
> Double Team
> Mean Look
> Vaporeon 2:
> Surf
> Ice Beam
> Bite
> Hidden Power
> Try it out and have fun!
> (And bonus points to whoever figures out Shaseol's original name ^^)
> --
> fluxxdog
> www.bellsouthpwp.net/f/l/fluxxdog
> The worse crime you can commit against another human is to make them
> think.