Unintentional double-clicking is usually a mechanical problem, especially with Logitech, where the soft plastic of the shell's button post deforms around and over the switch so needs to be occasionally trimmed and perhaps shimmed back up with some aluminum tape.
While it's popular to solder in better switches (and I know you have some kind of odd vendetta against Omron), the original ones they used back in 2002 were rated 8 million clicks and from 2013 they were stiffer but rated 20 million clicks, so seldom actually cause issues even for Diablo players. Yes, the bare switch itself can bounce but continuous pressure from the shell damps the motion. Would you call your car junk just because it rides bad when the shock absorbers are removed? It was certainly never designed to work that way so it's kind of hard to fault it for that not working isn't it?
WD-40 is primarily kerosene in solvent. Oil attracts lint. The wheel is an optical mechanism, so how well do you think it'd work with lint blocking it? When you open the case to inspect the posts (and see if the switches feel springy), just clean the wheel up too.