Efficiency Analysis: Atom D510 Vs. Atom D525/ION2

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very nice, thank you. been wondering how fast and energy efficient the new atom is. might replace the intel d945gclf2 connected to my tv.
I just skipped to the power consumption after I saw the application benches.

I'd rather keep the D510 over a D525. Longer battery life for my simple purpose of web browsing.
i don't think you guys even tried using the d525/ion2 system for anything beyond the benchmarks. you greatly underestimate how usable it is. my asus 1215n chugs along just fine in almost any game. obviously you wouldn't want to throw something like civ5 at it, but in reality the combo plays games better than (for the most part) any iX notebook with integrated graphics. it plays company of heroes and starcraft 2 just fine at lowered settings. i'd bet you'd be surprised how viable it is as a light gaming platform for something that uses as much power as your monitor.
>>This could not be done without Nvidia's graphics unit, as even 720p video was impossible to watch on the Atom D510.

I'm using xbmc with a D510, and it plays 720p video just fine, with coreavc, it can even play a few 1080p videos
Was this supposed to be about the Ion, or the D525? Why would you write an article with the intent to compare two processors, and put them on very different platforms?

I didn't even read this worthless article after I saw that. It would have been interesting had the reviewers used some common sense.
Except for power savings...why would anyone buy one of these when you can get recycled PCs for almost free? In six months they will have something a lot better anyway.
I feel the article lacked meat. It would have been interesting to compare it to an old gf9300 or even gf7050 socket 775 motherboard with a PDC or even CDC. The latter options would probably cost as much nowadays as the d525+ion combo.

I have a mini ITX buil but its a gigabyte pushing an 1156LGA i5 overclocked to 4.16GHz and DDR3 1333 ram!!! nice for HTPC with a GTS 250 Nvidia grafix card too .....
In general without the video/power tests the rest are still fairly valid for a performance comparison.

[citation][nom]tx-jose[/nom]sweet!!! I have a mini ITX buil but its a gigabyte pushing an 1156LGA i5 overclocked to 4.16GHz and DDR3 1333 ram!!! nice for HTPC with a GTS 250 Nvidia grafix card too .....[/citation]Cool, I got one of those too but with a 5770, what does it have to do with this article? 46 watts idle without overclocking is cool though.

[citation][nom]super_tycoon[/nom]i'd bet you'd be surprised how viable it is as a light gaming platform for something that uses as much power as your monitor.[/citation]
Way less then my monitor, i bet i have the least efficient screen ever made.
Here is my personal experience as a student, with my 11.6" HP MINI 311 ION w/ 3GB and Windows 7 Pro 32bit with Full AERO features active:

I can run Mathlab, have 7 browsers open, and OpenOffice.org all at the same time. Oh yes, i can play Youtube HD 1080 smooth unlike most of the laptops out there. So to me, its the most amazing device that is light, cheap and can pack a lot of punch for 400 bux canadian.

I kind of think some things are bull;

The older Atom N260 was capable of playing back older DX9 games,and HD 720p video; why should the desktop version not be able to?

Perhaps not at 1600x1200 pixels or more, but at 1024x600 or 720p it should play back most games on lowered resolution!
really? i never knew more clockspeed results in better performance and more power consumption, and relatively the same efficiency. sorry this just wasnt a good read
Are you sure that old D510MO doesn't have a mini-PCIe slot, whats that grey riser between the ATX power plug and the PCI slot? Still, you can see why Intel downplays ION, it adds a lot to the power consumption. Sure, it makes it much more capable at video and gaming, but others here seem to think the non-ION variety can handle 720P just fine, which would put these in league with the AppleTV, where they cannot compete on price. I just don't see where Atom fits into any market segment. ARM is much more power efficient, and The Core i3s and Athlon II's are much too powerful (and not really much more expensive).
I own two Atom-based systems (one being a D510) and I have to say, they are pretty darn amazing for the cost to operate. It's nice to see this tech advance, and I would love to see continued advancement in power efficiency and see those power levels continue to drop.
From the Benchmark numbers I can tell Intel is holding back the Atom's performance in order to come back with a big bang with the new Atom Generation.

Remember that the Atom was right there at the beginning using 45nm technology, and now Intel is just maximising their profits, keeping it at 45nm.

When they release the improved core, with improved graphics, at 32nm, they can scale it to 2.6 Ghz and start being competititve with the lower end Celerons. A mere 1.66 Ghz to 1.8 Ghz bring quite visible performance gains here, let alone when they jump a full Ghz in clockspeed + further arquitectural enhancments.
So if you built a system with the intention pushing around as few electrons as possible, would you really put 4GB RAM in it? How about a 16-32GB SSD instead of a standard HDD? Then, of course, there's the 80 PLUS BRONZE Certified power supply. I guess it was cheap or something. Don't they have Silver and Gold? The Gold Certified Enermax PRO87 is only $30 more at newegg. Come to think of it, aren't they making high-efficiency, low-watt solid state power supplies these days?

If I wanted a low power system - and that's the only reason to get one of these - I might consider underclocking the thing too. No, it wouldn't play Starcraft 2 or Blu-ray 3D videos (kinda dumb to try that with these although I'm sure SC2 plays just fine with pixelated graphics circa 1995), but this wouldn't be my main machine (and I hope not yours). This would be the always-on host for the MagicJack and the machine to Wake-On-LAN my main rig or the machine that always has weather.com and ctabustracker.com available as I'm running out the door.

Can you undervolt these things? What about DDR2-800, can you undervolt it and run it as DDR2-600? How come Tom's doesn't run a Most Efficient competition? Whoever gets the most power out of only 10 watts wins a free 500 watt video card. Although it might be difficult to measure the efficiency of it while it's submerged in liquid nitrogen.

That is very cool with the bluray player and all, but Google TV is supposed to be integrated into the tv it self, making it a free option on many tvs if it takes.

I would rather have that(the zotac) and a good usb pvr tuner/external hard drive, but others may not want another pc(even with Google tv being a pc in the tv too.).
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