The solo main quest, on one hand, sounds fun. On the other hand, so much of the defense for this game has centered around it being completely separate from the single-player series. I wonder if this won't take down TES if it flops really hard.
At this point, we know it won’t be a good Elder Scrolls game — there’s simply less immersion and less freedom in a virtual environment shared with thousands of players. What remains to be seen is whether it will be a good MMOG. Nothing shown so far gives any hope in that regard. The graphical style looks a lot like the other massively multi-player online games out there, the combat and interfaces are likewise indistinguishable from, well, let’s just say it: World of Warcraft.
I don’t see any path to making this a good Elder Scrolls game, the multitude of other players just makes it impossible. But it -could- be a great MMO, if Zenimax Online took pages from EVE and Ultima and made a massive world with tons of detailed interactions. ES:O won’t flourish by directly ripping anyone off, but nothing the size and scope of EVE has been done in a high fantasy setting and you can bet your smallclothes there’s a market for just that. Ultima’s detail would take the edge off of the lack of immersion from MMO-ification. Of course, Ultima Online is still up and running, so they’d have to do it better for it to matter.
If Zenimax Online doesn’t do these things, the pressure from existing games will sink it. And that’s not to mention upcoming MMORPG titles like Amalur, which will probably survive its financial troubles.