
Apr 5, 2004
Archived from groups: alt.comp.periphs.videocards.ati (More info?)

Hi, there!

I have some minor problems due to electromagnetic disturbance I think, but
I'm not sure. If I load a website with certain colors, some noise become
visible e.g. flashing lines. It's sometimes very frustating. Is there
something to do with it?

I have an Asus Radeon 9600 SE fitted on an Asus P4SDX motherboard, 360 W
power supply and a Philips 190B monitor.



Archived from groups: alt.comp.periphs.videocards.ati (More info?)

"Carl" <> wrote in message news:<uNKjc.149845$>...
> Hi, there!
> I have some minor problems due to electromagnetic disturbance I think, but
> I'm not sure. If I load a website with certain colors, some noise become
> visible e.g. flashing lines. It's sometimes very frustating. Is there
> something to do with it?
> I have an Asus Radeon 9600 SE fitted on an Asus P4SDX motherboard, 360 W
> power supply and a Philips 190B monitor.
> Carl

You got a box on your monitor? I had one of my 5.1 system boxes on top
of my monitor and had "cringles"

Taking the box aawy and... no cringles anymore...