EMachines CPU Upgrades


Sep 24, 2010
ECS MCP61SM-GM Mainboard is what i got just wanted to know what lastest cpu i could run in this media pc i got thanks Current CPU: Athlon 64 i know it takes 940pin just not sure which one its AM2. Thank


Aug 11, 2010
Sheesh. A Google search (wwjd, right? I mean, Google is not 'evil', correct? lol) for your model motherboard turns up the answer in the very first search result, at least in my shaved neck of the woods (few trees :sol: ). In fact, the first line of text longer than a cat whisker (I use one for precise measurements of this sort :heink: ) says it has a "Socket AM2 (940)" which can be mounted "with AMD Athlon 64 FX/ Athlon 64/ Athlon 64 X2 Dual-Core/ Sempron processor". Most sources of info about your mb, such as resellers of used boards, will always state this as the list of available processors. That would indicate to me, according to my boned up understanding of these things, that you're right about the # of pins (940) indicating an AM2 socket, and it will accept anything up to a Athlon FX. Remember during your price/ performance comparison down the road to purchasing a alternative CPU for your mb that although the FX and X2 are both dual-core (bi-core if you think it's a 'fabulous' processor :lol:), the FX out-performs the X2 for graphics and gaming by up to 25% (or 12.5% in cat whiskers). Also, in looking at performance charts with FPS for games, a 10% difference is not apparent to 90% of the gaming digerati, so you may want to consider pricing more important. There is, however, more to this conclusion.
An interesting sidelight of this particular investigation regards the fact that the AMD line of processors have a distinctly long range of compatible CPUs resulting in a likely extended range of compatibility to newer, higher performing processors in the AMD line if the mb manufacturer cares to upgrade the BIOS to include the necessary functionality for newer processors, a fact which is moot unless the CPUs are pin-out compatible (I have yet to see a BIOS upgrade that changes the # of pin holes in the mb's CPU socket, but who knows, that may change.), the on-board chip-set is capable of being utilized to this end, and the mb manufacturer has integrated all of the chip-set's features (Some mb manufacturers try to save money or produce a cheaper mb model for their mb line by leaving out the full set of chip-set features.)
For example, my mb is a ASUS M2N32-SLI Deluxe which, though no longer being sold by ASUStek (a Chinese co. that made $21 billion in 2009, and in Wall Street Journal Asia ranks as number one in quality and service), is being supported very well as far as the BIOS and driver updates. According to the majority of info on the Net, and even some documentation still available through ASUStek, my mb is only compatible with the Athlon 64, Sempron, Athlon 64 FX and Athlon 64 X2. However, if you go to ASUS to look up the specifics of the latest BIOS upgrades, you find out that it can now use a QuadCore Phenom II X4, and in fact, I'm using a QuadCore AMD Phenom II X4 945, 3300 MHz at this moment. Unfortunately, there may be no future compatibility with a six-core Phenom.
I'm leaving the rest of this investigation to YOU, since you've got to learn to seek out answers through Google, and obviously you've been very naughty if you haven't been looking for upgrades to your BIOS and drivers. Failing to handle these two more basic issues will inevitably lead to your failure in obtaining any usefulness in the knowledge I've attempted to impart to you (what, me worry? :whistle:)


Sep 24, 2010

!!Thanks my good man. for all the !Help! and search!! Trust me i did alot my self thats why i didnt reply as fast lol. I so deeply wished my board was Asus so i could do what you did. if you would like to spread this around be my guess i'd say never buy ((ECS - Elite Group boards garbage)) all of what you said is right there is no updates i looked. the updates i already have them. Yeah i can get the cpu still but it is a big risk so the best thing i think for me to do is get new motherboard i see the light now^^ :ange: Build your PC's instead of buying a story bought one, I came across a new one with at least dual core cpu AMD 2.50 i can upgrade that later on if need. im gonna sale this one i got and start from there :) Which will bring me to no search and questions i will have for you. starting a new topic Thank you ! Man they sure know how to beat around the bush to make a quick $buck$


Nov 8, 2011

This link will show you which CPUs will work, just don't use one over 89 watts.
This is the one you should use: AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual-Core 6000+ Socket AM2+ 3GHz Manufacturer Part Number ADA6000IAA6CZ .