D D33 Distinguished Jun 4, 2001 153 0 18,680 Jun 7, 2001 #1 hi folks, i was wonmdering when will the new stategy game from westwood will be released........ it's the emperor battle for dune. does anyone have any idea?
hi folks, i was wonmdering when will the new stategy game from westwood will be released........ it's the emperor battle for dune. does anyone have any idea?
B Bud Distinguished Apr 30, 2001 409 0 18,780 Jun 8, 2001 #2 No, But I hope it doesn't suck like Dune2000 did =😎 That was a real disappointment from the original RTS game (DuneII). I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken.
No, But I hope it doesn't suck like Dune2000 did =😎 That was a real disappointment from the original RTS game (DuneII). I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken.