End of an Era: PS2 Stops Shipping to Retailers in Japan

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I totally missed out on that gen of console gaming, that's when I was totally into PC's. Too bad as the ps2 really did have a lot of great titles. Would of been a very good entertainment investment.
They were still manufacturing these and producing games for them in 2012? I'm actually impressed. Assuming they were sold at reasonable prices I can totally understand why they were still selling. There were so many great games for the PS2 and you can get them all used for dirt cheap.
PS2 was my first console (Yeah I am a young one) and I loved it. I still have it from almost 10 years of use. Still works (Not the DVD side) and plays games pretty well for a 10 year old piece of hardware.
lol, and just today my neighbor asked me if I could fix his old PS2. there were some really great games on that system, and I admittedly still use mine. Once or twice a year I get the urge to play Final Fantasy, and the PS2 has all of my favorites of 6, 8, 9, and 10, as well as Kingdom Hearts 1&2. It also had Burnout 3 which is still a blast, and makes a great party game. I also played ONI, Xenosaga 1-3, and a few fighting games. The system was cheap and reliable, I never had to pay more than $20 for a game, and what games I played had tons of replay value.

I never bought a PS3 (or xbox 360. We do have a Wii, but it was a gift and has not been used in 2 years). I was looking forward to buying one when it came out, but it never got the exclusive games that grabbed my attention. My friends have given me their PS3s to fix from time to time, and as payment I require them to let me borrow it for a week or two to play through a game I was interested in... but truth be told the only exclusives that I have enjoyed playing through was FF XIII, and Uncharted, and after I played them I did not have the urge to go back and play them again like I did with the old PS2 games.

I think what killed it for me has been the excessive focus on multiplayer games, which I simply don't enjoy (because I have the reaction times of a sloth). Another thing has been the shift in jRPGs. I mean, the only 'big' jRPG to be released this generation has been FFXIII... and it does not hold a candle to the old FF games, and the one that I was really looking forward to (FFXIII Versus) was canceled! jRPGs use to be these fun epic team-building stories that could be enjoyed by a wide audience (FFX was my favorite except for the terrible voice acting). But now jRPGs have moved to handhelds (which I hate), and they are all angsty highschool dramas, which are just not enjoyable for me as an adult.

Give me a few RPGs that are heavily story and team driven, with a world that looks as big and amazing as skyrim. Throw in some quarky humor, high drama, a killer sound track and I will be interested. Make some balanced game mechanics where I can play the game through a few times using different strategies, and then you will have me sold on whatever console it comes out on. We just did not get any of that since FFX (FFXII was simply not fun, and while XIII was better, it was not repeatable), and I really miss it.

I love Skyrim, and it is hands down my favorite game in recent history. But for me it is too open. I am too ADD to stay focused on the story (80+ hours and I have yet to do much of the main quest). And it is just so easy to put all of my points in magic, and blow through each level launching fireballs with a stagger bonus, that I have become too lazy to try any other strategies, which gets a little old after a while having that one 'silver bullet' that I can play the whole game with. I always loved the jRPGs because the story forced you to keep moving, so you would want to replay the game because you know you missed something. Also, the constant change-up of the teams in FF9 and XIII (and to a lesser extent in FFX) force you to adopt different strategies throughout the game, which helps keep the combat fresh. Plus, they were never afraid of having some really fun and colorful characters, where as skyrim's characters seem to be either overworked and bitter... or they worked too hard and have gone crazy... not a lot of variety.
[citation][nom]chibiwings[/nom]Best console ever, no matter what PS3, Xbox360 & Wii Throw, the can never dethrone PS2.[/citation]
How does that even make sense when the original PS3 has the PS2 chip on-board and offers better video quality for PS2 games and comes with a blu-ray player? lol
I bypassed this one and have a PS3 now which I dont use to game on, only for media and Blu ray files. My gaming PC handles all my games and does it many times better than any console ever could.
I loved my PS2. It was awesome to play games on it like. GTA3, both gods of war, and most of the final fantasy games from that era. The only reason why I got rid of it was because I got one of the Last generations of PS3's that could play the PS2 games. I still go back and play Final Fantasy 9 and 10 on it even today.
I loved the PS2! So many great games on it that I loved and want to play. I even still have my original PS2 in great condition with everything.

It was the last console I played when it was just all about games, and not all the social/dlc/online stuff.

PS3 was a let down for me, and I stopped using it 4 years ago. This next generation of consoles(Ps4&Xbox 720 only) will be the first generation I skip.

I still wish I had working Atari 2600 and NES/SNES too, great systems. Good times.

PC gaming is where I'm at from now on only.
LOL, just last night my brother and I had a two hour long talk about how great the PSX and PS2 generations were - that despite a few mistakes they were incredibly fun and entertaining. The PS3 is a great system, but ours crapped out and three attempts at fixing it have lasted two weeks at the longest. Even so, this current generation has suffered from a serious lack of great games. Even some of the series that carried over from previous generations have been gutted thanks to half the games being stripped out for multiplayer or micro-transactions of some kind. My biggest concern in gaming isn't the hardware, it's the software; stop with the endless micro-transactions, the over-focus on online/multiplayer, and please, please, please stop with so many FPS games.
The PS2 was a interesting console for sure. While I never personally owned one I do of course have friends that had them. I would certainly say that it helped play a large role in bringing console games into the online multi-player. I think it's fair to say it was the most influential console of its generation.
Socom I and II ruined my High School experience. In 4 years I played roughly 8000 hours of Socom online.

It was the console equivalent to Counter Strike and is the last console based tactical shooter that required skill and teamwork to play. It has since been relegated to the dumbed down shooter genre that Call of Duty has created.

I still believe Sony will do Socom fans right and release a proper Socom game eventually.
All the hard earned games that will be lost now when peps can't get a new replacement system when the old one fails, just another reason to stay on PC imo!
now is the time when ebay sellers start selling PS2s at more than a new PS3 costs. I dont think the PS2 is entirely dead yet since Square Enix announced a new Final Fantasy 11 expansion for PS2 in japan for 2013. also hopes for a new PERSONA in the future, though I doubt either will appear in USA. PS2 was amazing for its time with all the great games, PS3 didnt live up to its predecessor mainly because of the ridiculous online patch reliability which allows devs to release half baked short games on time and finish it later with a patch. also the lame belief that multiplayer has to be in every game ruined it for story games.
[citation][nom]bustapr[/nom]now is the time when ebay sellers start selling PS2s at more than a new PS3 costs. I dont think the PS2 is entirely dead yet since Square Enix announced a new Final Fantasy 11 expansion for PS2 in japan for 2013. also hopes for a new PERSONA in the future, though I doubt either will appear in USA. PS2 was amazing for its time with all the great games, PS3 didnt live up to its predecessor mainly because of the ridiculous online patch reliability which allows devs to release half baked short games on time and finish it later with a patch. also the lame belief that multiplayer has to be in every game ruined it for story games.[/citation]
Never gonna happen as far as ramped up prices, there are more ps2's out there than any home console in history, and if you check ebay all but the rarest of consoles are cheap as hell (20-50 bucks for anything from Genesis to NES to Dreamcast). I doubt that they will even be gone from retail in the US in the next year.
Ahh, the ps2... I got mine very late (when the ps3 was already 3 years old) since I was never a big fan. I was more of a Dreamcast fan, which could have given the Ps2 a run for it's money if Sega didn't pull the plug on it so soon. I only bought my Ps2 to play Gradius 3&4 and Gradius 5 (which is the best horizontal shoot 'em up on any machine) but then I discovered quite a few gems like FF and the MGS series which are still great games in every aspect. Dirt cheap, too for some great entertainment. They just don't make games like they used to. Btw. I also stil play with my Dc and consoles of previous era's (like the Saturn, PSX, S.Famicom, Megadrive, etc.) Great games are eternal.
[citation][nom]TunaSoda[/nom]How does that even make sense when the original PS3 has the PS2 chip on-board and offers better video quality for PS2 games and comes with a blu-ray player? lol[/citation]

You must be a hard-core idiot.
I still have my 1st gen PS2 and my son still plays it. Guitar Hero was much less expensive for this console and I have a 5 or 6 of the games that were pretty cheap compared to my PS3 and others. I will keep this console forever just many of the games have replay value. With eBay, I am sure the games will be around for a long long time. I still have my Sega Genesis and can get games dirt cheap. I would rather pack this console up and take to the cabin or beach. My PS3 does not get taken with.
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