Engineering question/theory of air flow in a computer case

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Feb 19, 2012
Hello All thanks for looking in. I posted here because I figure those of you who are hotrodding via O.C ing would have thought this one out or have even tried different config's to keep you computers in temp at 65mhz LOL!

Riddle me this those of you who are engineers, thinkers, basement geniuses?

I have a Rosewill Challenger case.

This case comes with 3, 120mm pre-installed fans. One in the front (to draw) one atop to (exhaust) another in the back towards the top, about a 1/2inch down on the back is an (exhaust).

FYI-The Power unit gets it's air from below via a filtered vent. Then (exhausts) out the back of the Seasonic power unit via it's own enclosed fan.

The Cpu cooler is a Cooler Master Hyper 212 which has it's own fan hooked to it's radiator. This fan will draw from the front to the rear of the case, while being attached to the cooler master's radiator. Btw, the case has 2 unused bays that one uses for putting in drives, scribes, etc. These bays are in the front of the case at the top, about a 5"x4" screened area, all while that front fan draws filtered air via the bottom front of the case.


Fresh air draws from the front of the case, via front fan bottom, plus the draw from Coolermaster's directional flow through the radiator exhausting out the back and top of the case.

Furthermore there is a vent on the side of the case. This vent has the option to place yet another fan. Which I happen to have. A Cougar 120mm fan to be exact. Would it be best, or prudent to place that fan either,
1.Attaching it to the other side of the radiator of the Cooler master, to increase the direction of the current air flow? Thereby having 2 fans, on either side of the radiator, increasing volume/flow. Remember the two screened bays infront, atop of the case to allow air flow in.

2.Drawing fresh air in from the side of the case where it can be bolted on to? Disrupting the air flow direction, yet bringing in fresh air direct from the side of the case.

3.As another exhaust fan on the side of the case? One would think that the two exhaust fans that are already there, would be sufficeint.

Which do think....Bring fresh air in? Exhaust it? Or continue the air flow direction?

Side note* By increasing the flow, the air is very much available via the front of the case, as well as the back of the case is almost like a screen door with unused pci vents/bracket area.

A vacuum does not suck, it blows to create a vacume. Conversely, I just replaced the exhaust filter on my vacuum and the thing sucks better...? <--Did you get it?
Seriously folks which way? :bounce:

Tags: air flow direction, computer case, air flow, intake exhaust fan computer desktop

That is two, for fresh air.

@ Sakkura I would have liked to have another intake via the front to continue air flow. That is why I was thinking about adding that fan to the CM radiator as the vent is there from the front.

@thor I am not sure about bringing in air from the side via forcing it, as that would spread the air flow. Yet heat does rise and would ultimately purge.

That is exactly what I am referring too for airflow. Although you gave the Best Answer with your link. I will mark it as that. However does that fan on the side of the case bringing IN fresh air accomplish the positive air flow?
I even sealed the cracks on the inside of the case, Grommet holes at the top not being used for H20 coolers, etc with strips of Duct tape. I hate dust and think it is a number one reason stuff overheats as well as shorts out.
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