Question Orange DRAM light after MB, RAM CPU upgrade - please help.


Jul 30, 2019
My original system:

-X470F Rog Strix
-32Gb (4x8) 3200 MHz DDR4 RAM
-3 sata drives one with Windows 11.

Obviously the GPU is new but the system was stable as hell. Tonight upgraded to:

-X870 Plus WiFi
-Corsair Vengeance DDR5 64GB (2x32) 6000MHz

Sticks are in A2 and B2.

Orange DRAM light, no windows boot, shuts off after 60 seconds.

Cleared CMOS with button press and with battery removal. Tried switching the RAM sticks around and just using 1.

The X870 only has 2 SATA ports (M.2 on the way), so I’m not sure I have the windows SATA connected as I stupidly didn’t note which was which before tearing down - but that isn’t causing a DRAM light and failure to boot or even power up the monitor. I’ve also tried all of them just to be sure and rebooted.

I’m sure the RAM is compatible with the board.

Anything obvious I’m not considering based on the above before I start replacing hardware?
EVGA 750 BQ, 80+ BRONZE 750W. 6 years old. Ran the last setup absolutely fine and this new setup is virtually the same power draw. Everything lights up so don’t think it’s a power issue.
That PSU is certainly getting long in the tooth and should be the next thing you upgrade, though it does not seem to be the issue to me in this instance. Did you reinstall windows? When changing out a motherboard that messes up all of the windows drivers/configuration files. You almost always need to do a reinstall of windows with such an upgrade. Start there.
That PSU is certainly getting long in the tooth and should be the next thing you upgrade, though it does not seem to be the issue to me in this instance. Did you reinstall windows? When changing out a motherboard that messes up all of the windows drivers/configuration files. You almost always need to do a reinstall of windows with such an upgrade. Start there.
I didn’t and was hoping to avoid it. That may end up being the case but I should at least have my monitor fire up and bios load regardless of whether that’s required? An orange DRAM light then an auto power off suggests hardware no?
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I didn’t and was hoping to avoid it. That may end up being the case but I should at least have my monitor fire up and bios load regardless of whether that’s required? An orange DRAM light then an auto power off suggests hardware no?
If you cannot even get to BIOS, then something else is going on. Are we sure this is not the motherboard doing RAM training? This is common on first boot ups for AMD. Maybe try reseating the RAM, and disconnecting the graphics card as a test. Try one RAM stick in slot A2. Have you flashed BIOS to the latest version? Remember to clear CMOS after a BIOS flash. If that does not work you may need to start looking harder at the CPU install. Check the motherboard pins/socket for damage.