Enlarging disk partitions

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Jul 17, 2015
So I ahve a 128 gb ssd and I partitioned 25gb of that to Windows 7 in a dual boot config.
Well there is barely enough space for programs that need to run on windows 7 (where I can't just access them, such as Microsoft .net framework that I need to have on this partition to run synapse on my windows 7(dual boot)

How would I enlarge that partition?

DiskPart Command-Line Options
Be extremely careful with this. But it will do exactly what you desire.

However....as asked above...does the system actually boot with the SSD disconnected?

That command is for verification purposes only, that windows OS can be found. Read the help.
You've said it... that "Windows OS can be found" and it wouldn't find a OS that's in files only... it finds active OSs. And the Boot folder is not a OS. "It also displays entries that are currently not in the BCD store"... So if it doesn't detect an Active OS it can't detect the Boot folder or the BCD store contained in it. And besides, your advice did not work, OP said it clearly and this is the reason why!.

quote: "/ScanOs

This option scans all disks for installations that are compatible with Windows Vista or Windows 7. It also displays the entries that are currently not in the BCD store. Use this option when there are Windows Vista or Windows 7 installations that the Boot Manager menu does not list".
Dude! This is getting kinda old and annoying as hell.:pfff:

Who said, that boot folder is OS? Certainly not me.
And bootrec command was executed from within windows10. That's why it didn't work
(told you that 2 times already, btw).


Annoying? Well, I didn't start it... did I? It was you that kept advicing to ignore "crap advice"... but fact is crap was comming from you!..

My point is that Bootrec /ScanOs finds active OSs not a Windows 7 boot folder that's in another OS's Boot folder. Don't know what you expected by advicing it to be executed from Windows 10... Verification purposes only? You may say that, but we know better. /ScanOs has no use on ordinary OS files backed up on any partition other than Active OS partitions.



Jul 17, 2015
This is a question to either of you, how will installing win7 updates allow me to run programs the same way I could run them on win10?
Again, for example, on win7 it malwarebytes says I have no premium license, where as on win10, I do, and it says I do.


Jul 17, 2015

Omg... *facepalm* I said I had premium.. but on win7 it says I don't even though its the same install.
Probs cuz the key is bound to your win product ID, but idk