Question Entire PC hangs while writing to pagefile.


Nov 24, 2014
My PC has been hanging (can't launch programs or do much of anything, but cursor still moves and such) randomly for a few weeks now. After looking into it, it's my SSD reaching 100% activity for around 30 seconds at a time. Looking at resource monitor, this happens every time my system writes to the pagefile.

i5 7600k
8GB Corsair Vengeance DDR4
SanDisk 240gb SSD
ram usage?
virtual memory size?
malware scan?
how full is the ssd?

Happens even when I have RAM to spare, but it does happen more frequently when I'm maxing my RAM out (like while playing a game). 12800MB virtual memory. Did multiple scans with different programs, to no avail. SSD is about 70% full.
if PC is using page file, simple answer is buy more ram as you clearly need it.

Win 10 only uses page file if it has to, so clearly your usage is high enough to need 16gb ram instead of 8. 1st thing windows does is compresses anything it can into ram, but once your usage gets too high, it has to copy anything that isn't currently being used onto the page file. It can reduce its operating size in ram to 148mb but your PC will be mega slow by this stage, as it is basically running off the ssd instead of ram. with enough ram, windows will never use page file. Thats not to say you wouldn't need one

and since you only have 1 ssd, you get slow down as it has to write to same drive its reading from. You be better off with 2 drives, fit more games onto a hdd as well. then game data won't get mixed in with page file writes.