With over 200 games based on the Unreal engines,there is really no comparison between the two.
Epic's obstensible ease and great support make the unreal engine a great choice for developers especially those on a tight budget.
Look at literally thousands of user made mods for the unreal engine,this should convince those that say Epic makes shit for engines.
Alas no,common sense alone cannot sway the fervent believer of his/hers/its favorite product be it x/y or even z.
Has Epic lost its audience?
Certainly,for people are fickle and I will be the first to admit that some developers chosen to carry on the UT franchise were probably not the best to carry on Cliffy B's vision of the Human/Nali/Skaarj multiverse.
The question is,is Epic willing to do what it takes to put an engine in the hands of great storytellers and artists and the coders to keep and attract future gamers.
Lastly,what about this Unreal3?
When Gawdammit,i need a fix like a mofo?!
Epic's obstensible ease and great support make the unreal engine a great choice for developers especially those on a tight budget.
Look at literally thousands of user made mods for the unreal engine,this should convince those that say Epic makes shit for engines.
Alas no,common sense alone cannot sway the fervent believer of his/hers/its favorite product be it x/y or even z.
Has Epic lost its audience?
Certainly,for people are fickle and I will be the first to admit that some developers chosen to carry on the UT franchise were probably not the best to carry on Cliffy B's vision of the Human/Nali/Skaarj multiverse.
The question is,is Epic willing to do what it takes to put an engine in the hands of great storytellers and artists and the coders to keep and attract future gamers.
Lastly,what about this Unreal3?
When Gawdammit,i need a fix like a mofo?!