"EPU-4 Engine EAccessViolation" Error after installing new ASUS Motherboard


Jun 15, 2014
I recently upgraded Motherboards from a M5A78-LE to a M5A97 EVO R2.0 since the old Motherboard had no CPU-VRM cooling and I wanted to install a decent aftermarket CPU-Cooler, due to the Boxed-Cooler not really doing it's job in Summer.

I installed an CM 212-Evo and temperatures are good, highest I have ever gotten under full load was 57°C (= 134°F), idle is around 20-30°C.

However, everytime I boot up my PC I get the following Error-popup:
"EPU-4 Engine EAccessViolation"

Looked up the error and someone said it was related to having installed a new non-ASUS Motherboard, but since my Motherboard IS an ASUS I have no idea what to do.

Should I just uninstall ASUS-Suite completely and reinstall it?
Help is greatly appreciated.

FX-8350 CPU

The old drivers are most likely causing the issue.

First try uninstalling all your old drivers for the old mobo and install new ones. see if that helps.

But i would still recommend a fresh clean install of windows and a fresh new set of drivers for everything.

You could go get an external HD and move all your important files over to it. As far as the games i wouldnt even mess with them i would suspect 1/2 of them you dont even play anymore i would just re download them again. But it is up to you. Then after fresh install you can move the pictures and what not back onto your main drive if you so choose.

But some more food for thought HD's go bad all the time. If these items are very important to you having a backup plan in place...
Did you do a clean install with your HD are you running the new mobo with all the old drivers?

You may have a memory issue. As that EAccessViolation is a fail to read/write to memory i think. Could be hardware issue or software. I would try a fresh install of windows after format reinstall all proper drivers then go from there. If you already have done this try testing your ram.

Didn't reinstall anything, old drivers and so.
I got a million games, videos and photos on my HDD and no way to back them up, how would I go about installing windows without losing my Data?
Thanks for the quick awnser btw

The old drivers are most likely causing the issue.

First try uninstalling all your old drivers for the old mobo and install new ones. see if that helps.

But i would still recommend a fresh clean install of windows and a fresh new set of drivers for everything.

You could go get an external HD and move all your important files over to it. As far as the games i wouldnt even mess with them i would suspect 1/2 of them you dont even play anymore i would just re download them again. But it is up to you. Then after fresh install you can move the pictures and what not back onto your main drive if you so choose.

But some more food for thought HD's go bad all the time. If these items are very important to you having a backup plan in place would be a wise idea anyway.

I recently had a similar problem when my M5A78L-MLX blew up and I replaced it with a Gigabyte 78LMT-USB3.
The EPU-4 Engine is an Asus power-saving utility that runs in the background and throttles back power to various system devices when they aren't heavily used. It is specific to that motherboard.
When you change the motherboard you need to DELETE the EPU-4 program which is confused and trying to write into memory it can't reach (Control panel, remove software). Perhaps there's a similar program you can install for your new mobo.
No need to rebuild your whole system.
If this saves you a lot of pain, please send a couple of those government issued pictures of Ben Franklin asap.