Question Erase hard drive

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May 13, 2013
I am having heaps of problems to start it and then use the
/sbin/fsck -fy command and when it starts to update it will not restart only hang with the apple sign and spinning wheel.
If I delete the contents of the hard drive will it help?
I do not have a disk to restart.
Please give me any ideas as I have the stuff I need backed up already.
Have you tried to boot into Disk Utility? When you boot hold down the Command key and R at the same time. This should take you into Disk Utility and it should tell you if its failing or not based on its S.M.A.R.T status. If your drive is not failing then you could restore from a Time Machine Backup if you have one.

I tried that but landed up with the spinning wheel and later a black screen.
Any other thoughts or problems. Thanks
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