ESD damage


Dec 29, 2012
First time build. I wore my static band the whole time until I went to turn it on. When I did, only a couple of fans turned on, but not the motherboard. I turned it off, and without the static wrap reached in to check that the main connector wasn't loose. Static. My luck. I know the PSU is gone for sure. What other parts could be damaged? Are all parts, even the hard drive and cables fans etc. susceptible? Sorry if wrong forum.
EDIT: I'm fairly certain the motherboard is gone as well as the burning smell is only there when its plugged in. Is there ANY chance the processor is still intact? Or the RAM?
You may have used the wrong ps connector, which could have burned up something. ESD damage is relatively rare, and doesn't result in a burning smell. It's more subtle. Please list your system specs. Could be just the power supply unless you see surface damage or burnt plastic somewhere.
No visible damage. I saw a static spark from my finger when I touched the main connector, that's why I thought it was ESD. The specs:
Diablotek 675 watt ATX PSU UL series 24 pin main connector
ASRock H77 micro ATX 20+4 connector
Sorry if this stupid, but is an ATX power supply not compatible with a micro ATX mobo? And if that's the case, and my power supply is what was burning and it wasn't ESD, is my motherboard, CPU, etc. still salvageable?

if that PSU is of the same quality as:

then it is complete junk

If the PSU blew, being that it could be a piece of crap (a link to where you bought it from with the price might be able to tell) it could have taken out some other components, its impossible to tell until you get a new PSU
I would breadboard your setup and try again. Use just the cpu/heatsink, one stick of ram, and your onboard video (if possible) on a non conductive surface such as a breadboard or a cardboard box. You can also reseat the ram in case it's not all the way in. The screwdriver trick is to move it around the case pin cluster until the system turns on. You may have to remove the power supply out of the case for the leads to reach the board.

I'm assuming this is after I buy a new power supply? Or is it a worth a shot with this one even though I'm pretty sure it's completely gone?
That's your choice. Use your best justment. Normally you'll smell burning if the ps goes bad. One spark normally won't do it. If your vender will give you credit towards a different brand, check out antec, corsair, or ocz, all better brands than diablotec.

No I didn't... Didn't even know what they were. Could that have caused ESD damage bad enough that it won't turn on in just a couple of hours? Or is it more likely that my old psu fried it? I've got little to no clue what I'm doing at this point.