Why would that make you a terrible person? Planet-destroying cryptoparasites deserve all the scorn in the world, as far as I'm concerned. Time to get a real job, you bums.
Cambridge University Study: Blockchain and crypto fads like NFTs are good for business, bad for our planet.
Environmental Scientist here:
While I agree that something like this, a pointless consumption of energy (mostly non-renewable) is, well, pointless and bad for the environment, your linked article is clickbait and supported by some severely lacking "scientific" documents.
For example, they reference an article from Nature, that claims "Bitcoin emissions alone could push global warming above 2°C ", yet in their own data sets they show in the last ~150yrs global temperatures have risen (on average) .9C, due to ~584GtC emissions. They then go on to state ~49MtC were emitted from coin mining in 2017, that would mean it would take over a
thousand years for mining to raise temperatures by 1C, let alone 2C.
They then go on to try and justify this by stating, by the year 2040, bitcoin mining
on the scale of emissions we see now will be adopted globally, by most of the population, at the same rate as innovations such as credit cards, dishwashers, and electricity itself. Their entire argument is contingent on 50-95% of the global population owning mining farms, according to their graph analysis.
Im all for supporting environmental policies and more effective and cleaner energy models, but this is just poor journalism and downright bad research.
Do not mistake this for supporting coin mining etc, It is absolutely a waste of resources, but these "news" outlets should at least make some credible points against it first.