Question Ethernet card not working on boot up; slow speeds follow when it activates?


Oct 31, 2012
H all.
I have all of a sudden started having an issue with my motherboard's second built in ethernet adaptor not working right away at start up, and when it finally kicks on, it is NOT getting the speeds its suppose to be. It's effecting my ability to record and edit audio and video tracks from my NAS box because the speeds are so poor. This issue has started out of the blue, without installing any Windows updates recently.

I am currently on Windows 100 Pro (23H2 build 22631.4037 ). I have the Gigabyte X570 xteme motherboard. On this board, I have 2 ethernet net ports. One is a standard gigabit port, and the other is a 10gigabit port. I have had the drivers from my motherboard's website installed since installing windows. I tried un-installing the driver and re-installing it, but that didn't help. I am currently plugged into the 10gigabit port (as I have been for months). No windows updates have been installed for a good 3 to 5 weeks, so a Windows update could not have caused this issue.

All of a sudden when I power on my PC, the ethernet port doesn't work when I first startup. It takes a bit for it to kick on, if it actually works at all. When it doesn't work, I have to click on troubleshooting and reset the network controller for it to start working again. When it does start working, I am NOT getting the full speeds out of it. I goto and run it, and instead of getting my normal 1gigbit speeds down, I am getting maybe 90megebits. At one point, it was as low as 1.23megabits My upload speeds seem to go to their full 50megabit on speedtest just fine, which is my max upload speed my ISP offers. But I have also seen a dramatic slow down of speeds to my NAS box I have in my network, especially when copying files over to it.

I know this is not a internet issue with my ISP, because my Samsung Galaxy phone is pulling 300+ megabits down over wifi 5Ghz signal. And when using the 1gig port, I switch to that. When using that port, I am pulling 944megabit down without any issues. So it's some sort of issue with the 10g port all of sudden.

I have uninstalled and reinstalled the driver for the 10gig adaptor, power cycled and restarted all my networking gear (modem and router), tried restarting the PC several times. I even did a power cycle on the PC where I did a full shut down, pulled the power cable from it, drained all the power by hitting the power button a couple times, and waited a couple minuets before plugging back in and booting up. I also made sure all energy saving options for the network adaptor where off. The problem continues where on each startup, the ethernet doesn't work right away, and when it does, the speeds are super slow. When using the 1gig port, everything is fine, but the 10g port is where the issues lie.

Any ideas what could be causing this?


Update your post to include full system hardware specs and OS information.

Make and model modem, router, or modem/router (if combined).

What Ethernet cables are you using? Source? Have you tried swapping in known working (at speed) Ethernet cables?

Run "ipconfig /all" (without quotes) via the Command Prompt, copy the full results, and paste the results in your next post.

More needs to be known.