ethernet controller missing


Mar 7, 2014
I have an asus M5A97 mobo and I have always been using my internet wirelessly until I recently discovered a way to hardwire my computer, but my ethernet connections are missing under my network connections and I've tried everything for ethernet controllers that I could find if anyone could help that'd be great.

No they aren't disabled I've checked under device manager and there is nothing disabled not even anything hidden and the drivers I can't seem to find.

OK it's not disabled but is it enabled.

1. Right Click on "My Computer" and select Manage
2. Click on Device Manager
3. In right panel, clock on "Network Adapters
4. What is listed there ?
5. If Realtek is listed, dbl click on it
6. What does it say under general tab ? Working properly ?
7. What does it say under driver tab ?
My board (Asus Maxiumus Formula) has both wired and wireless.... I don't use wireless when wired is available but wireless is handy when it's on the workbench and installing drivers so I installed both... when it got to my desk, ethernet did not work.... called Asus and , according to TS, one must disable one for the other to work. Seemed more than **odd** but what ya gonna do.

Anything in the manual ?