[SOLVED] Ethernet port help

Feb 7, 2020
Hi, everyone I'm trying to get help on fixing my Ethernet port

A little background info my family and I just moved in to a new condo and I have the only Ethernet port in the place but it didn't work as soon as we moved in. I game a lot so I tried to get it fixed. My mother also prefers a wired connection so we asked the electrician if it was possible to convert the cable tv jack in her room to Ethernet. He said it wasn't possible but he said he would splice an Ethernet cord into the port in my room and we both would get our connection. My mom got her connection and my port still doesn't work.

I tried a few things I tried it with different computers in case my computer was the problem it was not. also tried changing the wiring scheme from B to A. even bought a new RJ45 Jack and wired it myself both B and A wiring scheme assuming maybe the port that was originally installed was damaged or broken.

Nothing has worked so far any suggestions on possible fixes are appreciated.
Be very sure the things you are calling ethernet jacks are not phone jacks.

Ethernet is point to point. There must be separate wires run between each device and the router. In houses that have actual ethernet jacks these normally run from one central room to each remote room.

Telephone jacks can be installed the same way and connected together in the central room. It is much more common though for phone wire to go room to room being sliced in each room. This will not work for ethernet. You might be able to convert it to ethernet for 1 device because there is 1 cable but the extra splices in the cable can cause issues.

Although it is kinda expensive you can use a technology called Moca to in effect convert tv coax to...
Be very sure the things you are calling ethernet jacks are not phone jacks.

Ethernet is point to point. There must be separate wires run between each device and the router. In houses that have actual ethernet jacks these normally run from one central room to each remote room.

Telephone jacks can be installed the same way and connected together in the central room. It is much more common though for phone wire to go room to room being sliced in each room. This will not work for ethernet. You might be able to convert it to ethernet for 1 device because there is 1 cable but the extra splices in the cable can cause issues.

Although it is kinda expensive you can use a technology called Moca to in effect convert tv coax to ethernet.

Most times you can use powerline units to use your electrical wires as ethernet for less. The moca has better speed but the powerline units are much cheaper.
Hi, everyone I'm trying to get help on fixing my Ethernet port

A little background info my family and I just moved in to a new condo and I have the only Ethernet port in the place but it didn't work as soon as we moved in. I game a lot so I tried to get it fixed. My mother also prefers a wired connection so we asked the electrician if it was possible to convert the cable tv jack in her room to Ethernet. He said it wasn't possible but he said he would splice an Ethernet cord into the port in my room and we both would get our connection. My mom got her connection and my port still doesn't work.

I tried a few things I tried it with different computers in case my computer was the problem it was not. also tried changing the wiring scheme from B to A. even bought a new RJ45 Jack and wired it myself both B and A wiring scheme assuming maybe the port that was originally installed was damaged or broken.

Nothing has worked so far any suggestions on possible fixes are appreciated.
Electricians aren't ethernet experts. Splicing doesn't work for ethernet. You need to find where the other end of the cable in your room goes. Ehternet is a point to point cabling standard.