May 22, 2020
I recently was given this card from my brother-in-law who had bought it off ebay years ago. He recently started having the issue of it CTD in certain games (usually high graphical games like Modern Warfare.) I've been using the Heaven Benchmark to test and find the issue. I've found out that it works flawlessly in Nvidia's Debug Mode, but once turned off it crashes pretty fast into the benchmark. Here's the list of things I have already done;

  • Updating drivers using GeForce Experience
  • Uninstalling GeForce Experience
  • Running DDU
  • After running DDU I installed drivers the proper drivers directly from EVGA rather than Nvidia.

I don't think it could be a PSU issue (CX650M.) It also has been testing in multiple builds with better PSUs resulting in the same CTDs. I also can't RMA the card to my knowledge since the original buyer is long gone. I'd really appreciate any help I could get at this point.