EVGA Geforce GTX 480 SLI price


Jan 5, 2011
There is someone on our local Kijiji site asking $360 for 2 EVGA Geforce GTX 480's. Is this a good deal or is the person asking too much, and if so, what would be a "fair market cost" for both (ad says they are in excellent condition and in Canadian dollars)?
There are EVGA GTX 480's on EVGA's website under B-Stock for $169.99 USD. B-Stock items don't have any accessories but come with a 1 year warranty. B-Stock items are products that have been sent into EVGA, re-certified, and refurbished by them. I bought a B-Stock 580 through them and it has been working great for the past 5 months.

To your question, I believe that it would be a fair deal, but for that price you could go with a more recent single card solution for less heat/power consumption overall.