I don't think you guy's know what your talking about. games are the most stressful thing to do to a computer. when they think up new games they have to make a guess on how good of a computer the average person has and will have so they know how much stuff they can fit into the game, and besides the bigger the game the more stuff that needs to be kept track of and sent through the net card. adding a card such as this will free up more of the cpu and memory to run the game which is why the say it will improve frame rate and all that. me and my brothers used big games to test computers to see if they were working fine or better then when we started to fix them after a virus or something. right now I think that it would be a waste of money but thats because they are treating this card as they do graphics cards and untill they can prove that doing it this way is more dependable, at least for home computers anyway, I most likely won't get one.