EVga680i badlongterm board


Dec 19, 2006
The evga 680i that so many people bought I hear is a bad long term board for overclockers. I have heard that is has electronic capacitors that do not like the extra voltages required for a sexy overclock. So since these capacitors are not designed for all this extra voltage which is being rapped down their throats they like to hmm how can I say this.. “Shit the bed”.. so I suggest if you haven’t already been sucked into buying a evga 680i you hold off an take a look at abits 32x 680i motherboard just released. I hear there may be bios issues with the fsb or somestuff for now on abits new baord. But i m sure these issues will be cleared up in the next bios update. Also, the new abit board does contain hefty electronical capacitors capable of maintaing long hardware life along side the extra voltage.
From a technicians point of view this sounds more like rumor than fact. I have not been a MRO tech for several years, and so I am not as familiar with the current components as I once was, but if the components specified by the design engineers do not have the necessary headroom they did seriously screw up. The actual changes in voltages for overclocking are on the order of a few tenths of a volt. At such low voltages this can be several percent, but the design engineers should take that into account.

If there is a capacitor problem with these boards it would more likely be a bad production run of capacitors. This sometimes happens. The other possibility would be that they used cheap parts, but that should not be the case in a premium board.
The other possibility would be that they used cheap parts, but that should not be the case in a premium board,

it hurts to say this but it seems to me that 250$ is not premium board anymore.. motherboard prices have jacked up to 300-410$$!. i say that sucks. I m still in college so i m not making 25$ a hour like you guys who buy sli'd 8900gtx turbos.. butt the Abit motherboard does have heftier electronic capaciters good for long term overclocking..
meh. im only gonna go for a moderate overclock, probably wont be messing with the voltages or anything, so i dont feel i have anything to worry about.

as for all the complaints, you have to realise that based on the number of boards evga has sold, the number of people complaining on the internet represents about 0.0000001% of the people who bought one. if 10 people complain on a message board, and 10 more complain on another, and 5 more complain over there it makes it seem like a shit load of people, but its just 25. also, for every negative comment i see about an evga 680i, i see positive ones.

so as far as im concerned, the only real knock i have against the evga 680i is whether it was worth it for me to buy one. do i really need all these features? probably not. thats the question that people need to answer.