Ex-Microsoft Employee Launches 'Fixing Windows 8' Initiative

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Once I got used to how the Metro UI works it's not as bad as it first seemed. I still do not like it, but I can use it. Other than that so far Windows 8 seems to be stable, now if I could just get my logitec controller to work with my steam apps I would be golden. Under windows 7 there is an xbox 360 controller Xinput emulator, it doesn't work on Win 8
I adore the Metro UI on my phone but having tried out the Win8 preview, I have to say it's just goddamn awful on my laptop (the fact the I couldn't just close my programs alone ignited a full blown rage attack after the first hour)
Vista was bad for MS - this is going to be a nightmare
A new Windows O.S. should be something people like for the most part, not something they just learn to deal with over time. Throw a rock through Windows Metro and start over; that'll fix it. Better yet, just focus on enhancing Windows 7 even further. Maybe some programmable hotkeys with alt & ctrl would be nice.
I tried the developer's preview and consumers preview. The consumer's preview does work better than the developer's preview when it came out. That being said, I only spent a few minutes on it before deciding I don't like it. I'm not even sure I would like it on a touch screen. There is a poor flow between the explorer view and the Metro UI. It's not easy to switch back and forth.
I agree with him. Most annoying thing for me was that you need MS account in order to run win8. I don't know how common it it in USA and western Europe but here in Poland NO ONE uses Windows Live ID or hotmail... Also I couldn't close metro apps so I gave up after 30 min or so of using win8 preview edition.

I think that most ppl would prefer using win7 with some kind of application that looks like Metro UI over win8
Microsoft needs to just come out of the closet and say it's Windows Tablet Edition and call it good... It's obvious that that is what it is made for and not a desktop....

The fact that they are indeed trying to sell it as a desktop OS AND a Tablet OS is beyond belief...

What's even worse? They made a frickin windows SERVER edition THE SAME FREAKIN WAY...

M$ has either lost its mind or they are bored and just screwing around with win8....
[citation][nom]tmk221[/nom]I agree with him. Most annoying thing for me was that you need MS account in order to run win8. I don't know how common it it in USA and western Europe but here in Poland NO ONE uses Windows Live ID or hotmail... Also I couldn't close metro apps so I gave up after 30 min or so of using win8 preview edition.I think that most ppl would prefer using win7 with some kind of application that looks like Metro UI over win8[/citation]

Also in Romania noboby use Windows Live ID or hotmail, and i belive that this situation is in many coutries.
Looks like most people will be staying with Windows 7 until Windows 9 comes out. And unless they make [strike]7[/strike]9 more user-friendly, it might well be even longer.

I love Windows 7

If they refuse to give people what they really want, instead forcing some vision of the future on them, they will stay with known or switch to Mac.
I haven't tried the consumer preview yet, I don't dare to. Under the developer preview I tried to install flash on IE but couldn't as it wanted IE to be closed. And where the hell do you do that when launched from the Metro UI?
I consider myself close to a power user, but I simply had to give up on the Metro. Simply not worth the hassle to learn when you have W7 around.
No freaking edit button, really Toms?


In order to edit, you need to be reading the comments in the forums, not under the article itself. At the top of the comments under the article is a link to read them on the forums.

Hard to find, could be made easier, perhaps.
Anyone else notice that MS likes to throw out a /sadface OS every 3rd version or so?

3.0, 95, ME(depending on certain things, I liked it better than 95/98) XP... at first..., Vista(till it got fixed as well but too late, I like it now), and now.... win 8....

At least the previous failures WERE USABLE!
Hate all these new "improved" UIs. =/
Sadly Ubuntu is moving in the same direction. I'm completely lost in their latest desktop interface.
After trying to live with the preview, I have to say that I agree with this guy. I am a bit of a MS fanboy, and Windows 8 will most definitely drive me to mac or linux. MS is throwing away their dominance of the desktop to try to get a slice of the tablet/phone market that they may never achieve.
also, with large blocks, it takes longer movement of mice to move through given number of programs.

MS is making a huge mistake here. But again, I guess windows 8 is likely a experiments and they don't really expect people to switch from win 7 anyway.
This is Microsoft's equivalent of the "New Coke" formula from Coca-Cola. Not only are sales not going to take off, but Microsoft's Board is going to realize that Steve Ballmer is not in touch with consumers and will end up just being a liability for the company.

Windows 8 is the right approach with the wrong implementation. What's worse is that we power users are going to get an earful from the OSX hippies.
Why can't Microsoft just things that work alone. If they wanted metro UI that bad why didn't they just have it as an add on like media center, or before you log in give you the option to log into Metro UI or Windows classic, problem solved and every ones happy.
So I figured out pretty quickly how to navigate on the preview... but I never liked it (and I had a touchscreen PC). It reminds me of what they did with the ribbon bar on office... added another way to do the same things that menu's were doing a fine job of - adding complexity, additional keystrokes/clicks for many basic functions, and little value. In this case they're trying to jump on the touch bandwagon... but the app... while looking like a phone app... feels like a poorly integrated PC app. You install windows 8 and it feels like you've added a touch application to windows 7 that breaks a lot of basic functionality (start menu) and makes the things you used to do easily from start more difficult and time consuming (even with a touchscreen). They REALLY need to re-visit the touch/kb/mouse balance and if they want to integrate touch more comprehensively (which is fine) they absolutley MUST do it in a way that is TRANSPARENT to the vast majority of users who will be using kb/mouse 95% of the time even with a touchscreen pc.
Its so funny to me to see people struggle with a few UI changes. Change really exposes the people who can't quuickly adapt and think outside of the box. That is why you see so many people whining about Metro. They're scared people will realize how technologically inferior they really are.

Metro and the 'revised' desktop are simple to use and figure out if you maybe google a couple of things. Before long there will be all kinds of videos to learn. I would put one up if I had the time, but for now I'll just sit back and snicker.
Has Microsoft completely taken the wrong direction with Windows 8?


I try it, it is IMO the worst OS that I have seen, I said this long ago but now that I have tested, I say it again: I will skip Windows 8, just like I skipped Vista and Windows Me.
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