I have had Gates8 for exactly one week. My first impression was, "I hate it". My feeling after 7 days is, "I REALLY hate it".
I have spent this week un-pinning garbage, removing anything that says "Bing" completely from the computer, loading Start8, customizing a green, rectangular XP Start button, figuring out how to kill "LockScreen", finding out going into program files is not as easy as it was in XP. I also found Outlook Express is gone, and geez, the boys in Redmond tell me I have to sign up for a Windows account to configure my e-mail account? Really?
Mozilla Thunderbird.
I have....some physical issues that makes having things in familiar places on a desktop a must....which they now are....and no password. Then new IE needs a password for anything outside of Disney, so, Firefox.
Office....there's a window to click..."Which version do you want to buy?"...deleted the entire thing.
Charms are gone. Hot spots are gone. I have a keyboard and mouse, apps are file renamed so they don't even try to open. MicroSlime "Store" is also renamed, hiding away, out of sight.
Good thing I have lots of experience with removing Norton.....Toshiba gives you a 30-day trial....and it takes two days off and on to get it all gone....including registry.
I do have a normal control panel back, I miss the search and run buttons in control panel, with separate windows. Hard to remember right or left click on the provided search bar.
I need to rename "libraries".....I'm used to "Documents", which holds "My Documents", "My Pictures", that sort of stuff.
Taskbar icons are okay..how they work is not. I don't need some silly peek or Aero popping miniature screenshots up I have to squint to read. I want my vertically cascaded blue boxes back with just text...I will find a way to get them back.
There are what, over a half dozen outfits offering free and paid programs to fix the start button, control panel, Metro hiding, boot to desktop, all of that?
In this short period of time since final release? It looks like they hired all the bozos who wrote Vista back for this one.
Was on the phone with MS Accessibility today. They haven't a clue how to fix some of this for those of us that cannot use the McDonalds Menu Order Screen.
I have talked to IT heads, in large companies...no way...they buy 7 machines and immediately load XP. Talked to professors I know who teach computers.....the newest they'll do is 7.
If I can't fix it, I'll take it out on the deck and do a Joe Biden to it.
Too bad there isn't some place one can communicate with MS and voice your displeasure.
This reply is being done on my XP Pro desktop, because it is far, far more user friendly that Gates8.