I was very leery of the Metro interface, and after reading mixed reviews I decided the best thing to do was try it with an open mind.
I still say it's ugly, but not as bad as I thought. It feels clunky; since I don't have a smart phone or tablet or touch screen, I don't need it, so I just get it out of my way. I live in desktop mode as much as I can. Bottom line? It could be better, I don't like it as a desktop computer guy, but it's not near as bad as some people make out. I think with a little more knowledge and adjustment to it, it would feel less clunky.
(That being said, it shouldn't be worse in any way, at all. It should be better for EVERYONE.)
What I don't like:
1) It decided my other computer on my home network was a "media device" and started turning it on via remote desktop without my say so, or knowledge that it could even do that! That's a SEROUS, BAD thing in my book, nothing says BIG BROTHER more than my devices being turned on without my permission!
2) I clicked an email link in Firefox in my Yahoo email account to send someone an email, and it opened up my Hotmail account and tried to make me use that for my Yahoo business! I NEVER connected the Yahoo account to anything on my computer, only the Hotmail account. BAD, Microsoft, BAD!
3) In Vista and Win 7 (and every version of Windows before), there are settings reached via "Advanced appearance settings" (Personalization>Window Color>Advanced appearance settings. . .). This appears to be gone entirely from Win 8. I want MORE from an updated OS, not less!
(This brings up a long time irritation in Windows: the "make fonts smaller or larger" thing. Hey, where's the smaller? Default is "100%", and you can't set your fonts less than 100% (unless, of course, you know how to in "Advanced appearance and settings"), so there is no possibility of making them smaller. Clue: screens are much larger these days, and many have horrendously large pixel pitches - don't you think someone might want to tone down their font size a bit? (I actually run a 2560x1440 screen with a .233mm pixel pitch, the smallest there currently is on an LCD screen, and I still make my icons as small as I can and adjust my fonts so the labels on them are smaller via "Advanced appearance settings".)
4) Things opened up by Metro cover the entire screen, and there's nothing you can do about it. My small screen on my second computer is 21" and on this computer it's 27", I don't need 27" of screen for anything except games! I feel like I'm getting slammed in the face with a giant window, most of which has nothing on it.
5) Metro decides how to put apps in columns, you don't. You can move them around, but you can't change the column structure. You can't put apps in some parts of a group without other columns being filled first. The solid background color is about as well done as a solid color background can be, but you are out of luck if you want anything different. Hate the app colors? Tough.
There are good things about Win 8, like the way storage is being handled. Very nice. I'm still leaning towards Win 8 over Win 7 when I upgrade my Vista machine, but really, there shouldn't be any question, Win 8 should be a no-brainer choice between it and a previous version of Windows.