[citation][nom]clalima[/nom]I installed, used for 15 minutes and uninstalled. Just horrible. It is just like that, not made for mouse and keyboard.MS beter start working on windows 9, because I think I will skip this one.[/citation]
Well it sounds like you gave it a fair try...er, wait. 15 minutes, huh? I'd like someone to actually explain to me how Windows 8 is not good with KB/M. Some complaints I've heard (with my response):
1) Vertical mouse scroll pans horizontally: have you used it? I think it's quite natural actually. There is no vertical space to scroll so it's not like you're confusing vertical and horizontal. There's only one way to scroll.
2) Tiles are too big, can't open my programs as quickly: again, have you used it? First question: how many apps do you use regularly? I'm guessing for most people it's only a handful, maybe a dozen. Sooo a) all those would essentially fit on one screen and b) using the scroll wheel is really quick to get to anything off the screen. Not to mention the fact that you can group tiles together...something Win 7 doesn't do btw...unless you have some 3rd party solution or you bury shortcuts in a folder. Let's compare to win 7. Both have a taskbar on the desktop, so that's a wash. Start menu? So you have to click start and MAYBE you have the app right in the quick menu, in which case it's more or less the same as having the corresponding tile all the way to the left on the win8 start menu. Otherwise, you click All Programs, then find then either find the .exe on the list or you click the sub-directory for that program, then click on the actual launcher. Doesn't seem all that efficient to me. Or....you have a shortcut on your desktop...which, depending on how well you maintain your desktop, may take a bit of searching to find (I don't know about you all, but my desktop tends to fill up with all kinds of crap).
3) I don't want full screen apps: Ok, well your desktop apps act just the same as before. Let's be honest, though, even with fairly large monitors, how often are you going to have more than, say, 2 windows visible at any time on a single monitor? Guess what, even Metro style apps support this kind of functionality (as I commented previously, I don't think Metro snap is perfect, but not terrible at this point).
4) Not enough options: I'll assume you're talking about the start screen because the desktop is pretty similar to Win 7. Could there be more customization options for the start screen? Sure. We'll see what the final build looks like.
5) Microsoft Account/Live ID login: personally, I like the idea of my settings and my accounts syncing across instances of Windows 8. This is somewhat Windows Phone-like, though it seems like they're taking it further. However, I have to think that in corporate environments, this will not be mandatory. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if it were possible to integrate some kind of corporate login instead that would allow employees to essentially sync windows images..or at least settings..across devices. I don't know if that will happen, but I don't think they're going to require LiveID for sign-in. Actually, I'm not 100% sure it's required now.
I'm sure there are other complaints, but this post is long enough already. Also, in regard to the old man video, how many others in their "golden years" have opted for iPads and abandoned PCs altogether? An anecdotal video does not a point make.