Exception processing message c0000012 Windows-Wrong volume???


Jul 11, 2009
Exception processing message c0000012 Windows-Wrong voume

I get this message all the time on my computer, it's very annoying since every time it comes up i have to click abort or continue 3-4 times before it disseappers. But after 15 minutes it shows again!!!!!!!!!!!!! And it alt+tabs any other process i got running!!!!! Very annoying since i play BF2 quite often and always end up dying when it alt tabs.

The most recent thing i did when this message began to show itself was intsalling Far Cry 1. So i thought it was some corrupt file it brought with it (legal copy tho). So i uninstalled it, but it didnt work.

I've googled it for some hours but all i can find is errors from vista or something called
Exception processing message c0000013 while mine is
Exception processing message c0000012.

C13 have something to do with USB it seems
and C12 only have vista solutions it seems -.-

Here is the full error message if someone can understand it

(up in the blue window) Windows - Wrong Volume
Exception processing message c0000012 Parameters 75b4bf7c 75b4bf7c 594 75b4bf7c

The options are [Abort] [Try again] [Continue]

To get rid of it i have to press Abort or Continue. I used Aldos Click Alot (a multiclicker tool) to click on try again each 0.01ms and held it for like 1minute so that sums up to about 100clicks per millisecond=100x1000times per second sums up to 100 000per second then. 100 000x60 =6 000 000 times... so i dont think it works to press try again multiple times :p i've also tested clicking it normally but it only shows again...

My specs are
Samsung spinpoint 400gb HDD
2gb of 800mhz DDR2 corsair RAM
Radeon x1650pro 512mb GPU
NorthQ 500W PSU
Sound Blast audio card
Intel E6550 2.33ghz (OC'd to 2.8) CPU
And Windows Xp Service Pack 3 as OS

Does any1 know how to fix this? Help would be very appreciated

Ps. it showed like 3 times when i wrote this -.- ds.


May 20, 2008
it's the Sound Blaster, remove the sound card and see if it stops the error, if it does get something that works, regrettably SB is not as good as it used to be(as far as the drivers are concerned)